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What are a few things I could do to help ease my cramps from my period

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There are OTC medications you could try, or a hot compress, or hot teas, and jogging also may help. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-a-few-things-i-could-do-to-help-ease-my-cramps-from-my-period ]
More Answers to “What are a few things I could do to help ease my cramps from my period
What are a few things I could do to help ease my cramps from my p…?
There are OTC medications you could try, or a hot compress, or hot teas, and jogging also may help.

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Q: last night my eyes were a little blurry and I kept thinking I saw things. I attributed it to it being 3am and just having finished a book. This morning I woke up, and I felt weird, just wrong. In the bathroom I realized it was that time of the month. I thought that that was probably the weird feeling, although I usually just wake up knowing somehow that I got it, not feeling “wrong”. The blood wasn’t old, it was red and fresh. Usually it starts out old for me. I just got a new brand of pads for no particular reason, I opened them, they were scented and I was like “oh great..” since it didn’t mention that and I hated the smell. I went to work and was fine for a few hours. But all of a sudden I got extremely nauseous, dizzy, my eyesight started going black and my cramps got so bad, I also had to go to the bathroom. I attributed it to low blood pressure, I have very low blood pressure, and I sometimes feel dizzy nauseous and my eyesight goes black and I have to drink caffeine to raise my blood pressure, but I never had sever period cramps, and the runs all at the same time. I was bent over double in pain from the cramps that were nauseating, and I had to leave early and lie in bed for a few hours. sometimes I get cramps during my period, but usually they ease in and out in little pressurey pain flashes, but these were like a constant stinging pain and acompained by nausea, i wud roll over to try to find a possiton where it wasnt so bad, and they both would temporally cease, and come back, I don’t never get flue like symptoms during my period, in fact, I’m usually more energetic and eager to tackle things on my to do list just to be annoyed to find out that I just got my period. during the month though, when I’m not on my period, sometimes I will have a jabbing pain in my vagina. Like an invisible knife is being stabbed in it, and it makes me jump. I have no idea what that is, it will just happen like once randomly some day. I’ve also gotten that feeling in my bum too, which I attributed to too much computer time on my rump, although I never had hemorrhoids. Maybe today was a combination of low blood pressure plus bad cramps, but I’d like to hear someone else’s opinion on it, and I’ve provided as much relevant info that I could. I also have been wearing medical grade compression vests on my torso, consistently like a week ago, and they effected my bowel movements, or rather made me constipated. If that helps. Could it have been the new pads? Could something be wrong with me? Or is all of this normal? Ha, you would think I was 45 with this list of ailments. I just notice Everything about my body.
A: every once and a while, I have the jabbing pain in my v and I jump too.I would really like to know what it is.I think it is just a nerve.Well, you said that you have low blood pressure with the black vision and dizziness and nausousness, it also happened durring your period too right?So I don’t think it had anything to do with the pads becuase the only thing differant was that you had severe cramps.hope I helped. p.s. and you should see your doctor too, because you can never be to sure.:)
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