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What can you do to relieve cramps

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OTC pain relievers such as ibuprofen or naproxen, regular exercise such as walking, Zinc, calcium, and B vitamins, herbal remedies such as Viburnum prunifolium, Scutellaria spp., and Cimicifuga Feel better! ChaCha again soon! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-can-you-do-to-relieve-cramps ]
More Answers to “What can you do to relieve cramps
If you are experiencing symptoms of menstrual cramps, it’s important to see your doctor to be properly diagnosed. Although certain natural remedies show some promise, there hasn’t been enough research at this point to conclude they’re effec…
Use an over-the-counter medication containing Ibuprofen like Advil, Motrin or Alleve to relieve cramping and any lower back pain. One to two tablets every six hours should relieve most of your cramping. If you cannot take Ibuprofen, try Ext…
OTC pain relievers such as ibuprofen or naproxen, regular exercise such as walking, Zinc, calcium, and B vitamins, herbal remedies such as Viburnum prunifolium, Scutellaria spp., and Cimicifuga Feel better! ChaCha again soon!

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What can you do to relieve cramps…?
Q: when you can’t take pills or they don’t work for you? Especially if you are in class…
A: If you are experiencing symptoms of menstrual cramps, it’s important to see your doctor to be properly diagnosed. Although certain natural remedies show some promise, there hasn’t been enough research at this point to conclude they’re effective. Here are some of the more popular natural remedies for menstrual cramps.- Magnesium- Acupressure- Omega-3 Fatty Acids- Low-fat diet- Vitamin E- Vitamin B1- Heat (such as a heat pack, warm bath/shower)- Aromatherapy – Massage- Calcium- Chiropractic- Exercise- You could go to the chemist and ask them for something for the painI would recommend that if painful cramps during your period is so bad that it interferes with your daily activities or causes you to miss work/school because of it, that you definitely see your doctor/gynaecologist for further evaluation as painful periods can sometimes be caused by conditions such as endometriosis which can sometimes cause severe pain from an early age (although the pain typically gets worse as the disease does more damage with each monthly cycle). Other causes can include fibroids, pelvic inflammatory disease and sometimes a narrowing of the cervix.Hope this helps. Good luck 🙂
Ladies, what do you do when you have cramps?
Q: I’ve tried a lot of pain relievers, but none of them work that great. Are there any home remedies that relieve cramps, any exercises? I’ve heard that pressing on the pressure points in your ankles can work, but I never seem to find them.Don’t suggest medicine to me, as I don’t have a way of getting any. All I have is Motrin and it’s doesn’t work that great. They’re not too painful, it’s more of…they’re in the way of my daily routine and just want them to go away.Good answer so far. Except for Bid B and dulcrayon.Big B…the reason the blood comes out is because small vessels of blood inside the womb are broken/open up, causing the bleeding and pain. I don’t usually whine about pain. If you read the fact that I said they weren’t too bad…just getting in the way of my daily routine…Dulcrayon… ? I have a man, thanks. And squeezing his balls won’t do anything. I’m not giving birth.
A: The best pressure point is below your belly button. Measure three finger tips below your belly button and push. The pain stops almost instantly!!!
How do you relieve menstrual cramps?
Q: I get really bad menstrual cramps, what can I do to make it less painful?
A: Try using a heating pad on the area. Over the counter pills designed especially for menstrual pain work too. Laying down is often better than sitting. Just being in a non cramped position helps the flow and the cramping.I hope you feel better.
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