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What is the best cure for fever blisters

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The most commonly recommended OTC products are Lipactin gel and Zilactin. However, they don’t actually decrease healing time. They just help the symptoms. Abreva is the only OTC topical product that is known to decrease healing time. Thanks! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-cure-for-fever-blisters ]
More Answers to “What is the best cure for fever blisters
What is the best cure for fever blisters
The most commonly recommended OTC products are Lipactin gel and Zilactin. However, they don’t actually decrease healing time. They just help the symptoms. Abreva is the only OTC topical product that is known to decrease healing time. Thanks…
How to treat fever blisters?
The best way to treat a fever blister is medically. Allow your doctor to prescribe you the right drugs to cure them. Also try to keep the area clean and do not touch it, you could make it worse.
What the best way to cure a fever blister
Apply a tea bag for few minutes on the blisters, repeat this every hour. Try ice or apply salt water. Cha Cha on!

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Can herpes be transmitted from a cold sore through oral sex?
Q: My best friend told me that she is being tested for herpes after finding what she thought was a cut on her vagina. The Dr. stated it was not a cut and her professional opinion was it is herpes. She thinks she was exposed when her husband (who has not shown any signs of herpes in the past and was supposedly STD free) gave her oral sex when he had a fever blister. I have never heard of this before. Does this mean two individuals without herpes can give herpes to each other through oral sex with a cold sore ? And then you cannot ever cure herpes? That is so scary, I hope it is not true!!! Do you think her husband actually cheated on her and caught herpes?
A: Yes. There are two types of herpes virus. Herpes simplex virus 1 and Herpex simplex virus 2. Otherwise known as HSV 1 and HSV 2. Typically, genital herpes is caused by HSV 2 and is transmitted by sexual contact. However, a significant portion of genital herpes is caused by HSV-1 (the cold sore kind). It gets there by, you guessed it, oral sex.Also, of all the people infected with HSV 2, only 10% (on average) will ever have the typical blisters. They can still transmit the disease to others. So her husband could have transmitted the infection to her from a sexual contact that he had prior to their marriage. In matters of love, anything can happen. I wouldn’t jump to conclusions, however, about the fidelity of her husband.
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