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What over the counter medicines have DXM

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Robo. Dex. Tussin. Triple Cs. Skittles. Red Hots. All are common slang for cough and cold medicines with dextromethorphan, which some teens take to get high. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-over-the-counter-medicines-have-dxm ]
More Answers to “What over the counter medicines have DXM
What over the counter medicines have DXM
Robo. Dex. Tussin. Triple Cs. Skittles. Red Hots. All are common slang for cough and cold medicines with dextromethorphan, which some teens take to get high.
What over the-the-counter medicines contain the DXM drug??
“Over-the-Counter Drugs” What is dextromethorphan or DXM? Dextromethorphan is a cough-suppressing ingredient in a variety of OTC cold and cough medications. It is found in more than 125 OTC products and comes in various forms, mo…

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Q: i heared it might be Codine Lyntus. or a medcine with DXM in it.what brands will stop the cough n get me high at the same time, aswell as makin me fall asleepthanks.i am 23.m 5’9not pregnantor on any other medicine.nore have any liver/ kidney failer
A: You can’t buy codeine linctus now in many places – if any.Try linctus pholcodine.There is one called Night Nurse which has an antihistamine and pholcodine in that makes you feel sleepy.If your DMH is dexamethasone it’s only available on prescription in the UK.Did you ever get your rapper stuff together??!!??
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Q: Hi, i just posted a message regaurding ADHD and thyroid problems but couldnt finish the rest. Previous post has more information.I started having problems with heat tolerance a few years ago and irritable bowel syndrom more recently, also diagnosed very recently with ADHD combined type. So now i want to know if previous actions in my life could have affected my thyroid.Right before the heat tolerance problem, me and a few friends began abusing a over-the-counter drug called Coricidin Cough and Cold. We would take a full box *16 pills*, and later 24 pills (box and 1/2) and sometimes combining that with a full tube of dramamine. Benged for 3-4 months and never did it again. We took roughly 480mg of DXM (Dextromethorphan hydrobromide monohydrate) which also contained a dangerous CPM (Chlorpheniramine Maleate) 64mg! Then we read how dangerous CPM was and what it could do! NASTY STUFF!Basically all i want to know from this is. Could this abuse cause thyroid problems?
A: It would be similar to the effects liquor has on an alcoholic.
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