Can a woman with cervical cancer get pregnant

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Cervical cancer will prevent pregnancy. It is also impossible to get pregnant after most treatment for cervical cancer. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can a woman with cervical cancer get pregnant
Can women get pregnant after having cervical cancer??
Absolutely. As long as a hysterectomy was not done as treatment.
Can a women get pregnant if they have cervical cancer? Will it af…?
Having cervical cancer doesn’t affect the baby, the only risk is the cancer might grow faster. Make sure your under the care of an OB/GYN and Oncologist. Good luck Caramal_ture calling someone stupid when you give them the incorrect info is…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can a woman with cervical cancer have a child?
Q: Can they even get pregnant? Also, can it be cured?
A: Women with cervical cancer normally end up with removing the cervix and the womb and sometimes even the ovaries. Getting pregnant before taking the cervix out in a natural way is probably very difficult because of all the tumors inside the cervix blocking the sperms. After the surgery, if the womb and the ovaries are left in the body, pregnancy should be possible by in-vitro process. The method of the delivery after the cervix is removed is c-section.
Can someone with genital warts get cervical cancer too???
Q: This has been bothering me so much i did a lot of reasearch on it and i dont get an exsact answer like some web pages will say you can get one or the orther and the other web pages will say if you have genitals warts you are at risk of getting cervical cancer so its confusing me. I am also 31 weeks pregnant so im woried not only of myself but my baby too. i also read somewhere that there is a 1% chance of a women to get cervical cancer while pregnant but i dont know if thats true
A: The wart producing HPV types are known as “low-risk” types based on their affinity to cause cervical cancer. On the other hand, the “high -risk” types have a higher potential to cause cervical cancer.When the HPV DNA test is performed during a pap smear, the doctor normally tests for the high risk strains of the virus because it is the problematic form of the virus. It is possile that someone can get cervical cancer from the low risk (wart producing”) strain, but it is not common. Good luck Hope you have a safe delivery
Only women who’ve been through it….Cervical cancer at 20 years old and pregnant?
Q: Cervical cancer at 20 years old?I went for a pap last august and it came back abnormal, so they called me back in and did a coloscopy, which came back that I had severe lesions in my cervix. They wanted me to go and get a LEEP procedure done but my state wouldn’t approve me for medicaid so I didn’t have the operation done. In January I found out I was pregnant, and now I am about 4 months along. Last week my OB did another pap and said it came back with both minor and severe lesions, and that she couldn’t even see the whole cervix because of the baby, but that the baby could be blocking her sight from some serious problems. She wants to repeat paps every 2 weeks now and said that if it seems like things are getting worse, I may have to abort in order to get treated, or else my life could be in danger. I am only 20 years old, and I don’t want to die of cancer. I have a 3 year old little angel that I can’t imagine leaving behind. Could the lesions turn into cancer that quickly? Could it spread? Will I die? Help me!
A: Omg this is crazy b/c it is my story! Although I did get the Leep and they only did one pap so far and I am also 4 months prego. My family and I decided not to go through w/ anymore paps until tghe baby is born. Reasons being I think it is unheathly for my already weakend cervix and second if they do come back bad I am NOT aborting my baby. So I am just waiting until then… I dont think it can spead like that and cervical usually stays in one place
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