Can I get pregnant if I have p.c.o.s

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You may become pregnant without “help” if you ovulated but with PCOS ovulation is rare or irregular. It does happen though. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can I get pregnant if I have p.c.o.s
How can I get pregnant with pcos
There are medications and surgeries in severe cases that your doctor can due to help you get pregnant with PCOS. ChaCha again!
Can i get pregnant with pcos?
Yes it is possible to get pregnant with PCOS. It can take awhile and you might have to take pills to help you ovulate, but you can have a healthy baby. Keep in mind that the miscarriage rate for PCOS is 40%.
Do I need Artificial Insemination IUI to get pregnant if I have P…?
Intrauterine Inseminations (IUI) should be considered to be performed in conjunction with the oral and/or injectable medications listed above to help increase pregnancy rates.

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What Is P.C.O.S. and how can i really Manage it ?
Q: I’m 25 years old and I recently was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. I had been having problems for years but i didn’t know what was wrong with me. of course now I’m confused about how to get proper medical care for this condition because I’ve been to four doctors and they’ve all diagnosed me the wrong way. I’m no doctor but i know that somethings wrong and their not trying to help. and i have no insurance and can’t afford the treatments i need if any I’ve been put on tons of birth control six different ones to be exact,provera and metformin all of which made me extremely sick. and i almost died because of the blood loss due to the provera. I just wanna know does anyone out there have any real experiences with this conditionLike is there a certain diet to follow,or what kind of doctors to go to. or support groups for this kind of thing .what can i do to get better because I’m also trying to get pregnant but this condition has been a huge hurdle anyone please help!
A: PCOS – Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome – is something that has only recently (relatively speaking) been recognized by the medical community. The root cause of PCOS is insulin resistance. In short, your body does not contain enough insulin receptors, and to compensate your pancreas produces more insulin than that of a normal person. This in turn throws off your entire endocrine system, resulting in an excess of free androgens (male hormones), especially testosterone. It also often (but not always) causes your body to produce less female hormones than the average woman. This increase in male hormones and lack of female hormones is what causes the “polycystic” ovaries.To explain the ovarian reaction, I’ll use a rather simple model. Every female has cysts in her ovaries. Normally, a woman would have a relatively small number of cysts, with some being larger and some being smaller. As she approaches ovulation, one of those larger cysts will expand and form an egg, which is then released into the fallopian tubes – from there, the normal process goes on. However, in a PCOS sufferer, the ovaries contain a far larger number of cysts (often 2-4 times the normal amount) and very few, if any, will be stimulated by female hormones and grow to form eggs. As such, it could be said that most PCOS sufferers menstruate, but do not ovulate – that is, their body usually does not form and release an egg. This is why it can be difficult for a PCOS patient to become pregnant. It is sometimes possible for a patient to take female hormone supplements that will stimulate this egg production, which is one of the things many doctors are trying to do when they prescribe birth control pills as a treatment. However, there are much better ways of getting female hormones, including fertility drugs.In addition, PCOS can cause irregular menstrual cycles, because the hormone imbalance (remember, those male hormones are too high, and the female ones are far lower than they should be) can throw off the rhythm of uterine lining and cleansing. This can be dangerous in the long run, as evidence suggests that consistently irregular (which sounds like an oxymoron, but isn’t) menstrual cycles can increase the likelihood of uterine and/or ovarian cancer in women later in life. Because of this, many doctors try to forcibly regulate menstrual cycles in PCOS patients by putting them on birth control pills (which essentially tell the body once a month that NOW is the time to ovulate – during the placebo period of the pill regimen).However, the birth-control prescriptions are not actually regulating the source of the disease, which is the insulin resistance – rather, they’re attempting to treat the symptom of irregular menstruation. This symptom is only one of the many things that PCOS causes, though. And while it may seem terrible, especially to someone trying to become pregnant, it is far from the most serious of the effects of PCOS, as I will explain. Birth control is actually not a good idea for a PCOS patient, because in the long run (if taken for many years, rather than for short periods of only 2-3 years, as it is meant to be taken) it has been known to increase chances of developing breast and reproductive cancers, and especially to increase the risk of diabetes and hearts disease – all things that PCOS patients are already at elevated risk for.Insulin resistance makes it difficult for the body to process insulin, and thus to process both simple and complex sugars. As such, women with PCOS have an especially hard time losing weight, and they gain weight very easily. There is a marked tendency in PCOS patients to carry a disproportionately large amount of weight in the abdomen. Such weight control issues bring with them all of the risks that obesity poses. In addition, PCOS sufferers are prone to diabetes, though it is not yet clear if this is because of the insulin resistance or because of the weight issues it causes. PCOS patient are more likely than other women to develop cancer in the reproductive organs (as was explained above), more likely to develop heart diseases and (some studies suggest) more likely to develop breast cancer. PCOS sufferers often exhibit abnormal (male) hair growth patterns, especially hirsuitism (hair on the face). They also often have persistent and seemingly unexplained acne across their shoulders, upper back, and upper arms.In an attempt to treat the insulin resistance, many doctors prescribe Glucophage (which you have taken in its generic form, Metformin Hydrochloride [HCl]), a diabetes medication. However, in this case the drug is being applied for its occasional side-effects, not the main effects of it, and as such results are widely varied and inconsistent for different patients. It may work wonderfully for some, while doing nothing for others (or even having negative effects). Other diabetes medications have also been applied, with similar intent and similar results. A common drug given to PCOS patients is Spironolactone, a diuretic that has the side-effect of sometimes reducing acne. This is given in an attempt to treat the acne across the back and shoulders, and has occasionally been shown to have an effect on the unusual hair-growth patterns, as well. Most PCOS patients do not consider the main effect of the drug (severely increased frequency of urination) worth this occasional side-effect, and will stop taking the medication after a short time.PCOS is not curable, but any (or a combination) of the treatments described above may have positive results, to varying extents. As far as doctors go, an endocrinologist is probably going to know the most about the disease, though I’ve heard that some sufferers have seen naturopaths and had some success, usually through regulation of diet. It’s important to see your OB/GYN regularly, but actually attempting to treat the disease is not likely to be something they’re truly qualified to do – they may have ideas, but a referral to an endocrinologist is always your best bet.Whether or not the above treatments have been tried, and whether or not they have worked or failed, the absolute best thing a PCOS patient can do to alleviate their symptoms is lose weight. For most, this means a change in diet to take into account the difficulty of the body in processing sugars (cut back simple sugars as far as possible, try to limit intake of complex carbohydrates to a certain extent, avoid foods rich in saturated fats, and ingest plenty of protein – at least 60-100g per day). The best diet regimen for a PCOS patient actually closely matches that of the diets followed by diabetes sufferers, and looking at what is suggested in those is a good way to figure out what you should and should not be eating.In addition, an exercise program is very important. Amazingly enough, many PCOS sufferers begin to build muscle almost immediately upon beginning an exercise regimen, and continue to build it at a more rapid rate than most other women. This is because of the male hormones, like testosterone, that the PCOS sufferer’s endocrine system produces in such abundance. In short, women who suffer from PCOS often have the ability to build muscle in the same way that most men do, without taking any kind of steroids or male hormone supplements. If you can get your body doing this, it becomes much easier to lose weight and keep it off (though it may seem discouraging at first, because it will appear you’re gaining weight initially – the muscle you’re building weighs more than fat – but it WILL begin to burn the fat off).Taking regular readings of blood sugar, and learning to get the feel for when blood sugar/insulin levels are off (dizziness, lethargy, exhaustion, tremors, and sometimes a mild headache), is very important, especially if you’re taking any kind of diabetes medication for your PCOS. In time, you’ll get to the point where you don’t have to check your blood sugar level to tell when something is wrong. Unfortunately, PCOS patients cannot always simply eat some sugar or take a shot of insulin to correct such an imbalance. If eating something with a bit of sugar in it doesn’t start to have an effect fairly quickly, the best thing to do is lay down for a while and rest. This will give your body a chance to start processing the massive amounts of insulin already in your system, which will in turn allow it to process your sugars – your problem in this case is not caused by a lack of either sugar or insulin, but rather by your body’s inability to process either of them, due again to the lack of sufficient numbers of insulin receptors.I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was fourteen years old, almost ten years ago, and I went through all the same things then that you’re probably going through right now. 1 in 10 women has a mild case of PCOS, but it’s usually not bad enough to have a great effect on their life. For every 1,000 or more of those one in ten, one woman has a severe case. Some are able to become pregnant if they try – with fertility treatments, or enough attempts. Not all can – I can’t, and thankfully that’s not something that I’ve ever wanted to do. But you never know unless you try.I hope that all helps a bit. I’ve been told I can talk to much, but in this case, I think it was justified, don’t you? ^_~ Good luck.
I am Insulin resistent and i want to no if i can get pregnant???
Q: I am 19 years old and i was first diagnosed with P.C.O.S. but my doctor changed his mine after i had an altersound. he just put me on medication for the insulin resistent prolbem and i want to no if i can get pregnant please help i am waitin for answers thank you so much
A: Typically people who are insulin resistant & hav been diagnosed with PCOS have a difficult time getting pregnant. That’s one of the problems with PCOS, infertility. People with PCOS usually gets put on some sort of medication like metformin which in turn usually helps females lose weight and help with the insulin resistance problem. After you have been on meds, you may have a better chance of getting pregnant.
three weeks pregnant!!!?
Q: i think im about three weeks pregnant what would my possible symptoms be like so far i have cramps almost like a period but no period i have headaches all the time .. my boobs are a little sore to touch and a little tender.. my stomach hurts almost like i have a stomach ache on top of all the cramps here and there… and i also feel bloated kinda and my tummy feels a little harder than usuall im a bigger girl so i really cant tell… what do you think all the help i can get would be great.. plus i was diagnosed with p.c.o.s and they put me on meds.. i had a period and had sex twice hoping it would work but now i feel like it has i want to test but im scared because i want this so bad and a negative will break my heart bc we dont know if i can ever have kids unless the meds work but i had a period so oviously i ovulated right so i should have been firtile ??
A: You’re stomach won’t be hard for several months. As far as the cramps, it’s possible. I have had stomach pain, but no cramps. I keep a headache, My boobs are VERY sensitive. Tis possible. If you had a period, you should have been fertile. Take a test or go to the DR and let them do a blood test. The best time to take one is in the morning. I am 13 weeks with twins, so I wish you the best.
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