Can I get pregnant the day before my period and still detect it the day after I miss my period

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Yes, you can still become pregnant the day before your period but a home pregnancy test will not detect it for about 25 days. [ Source: ]
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Can I get pregnant the day before my period and still detect it t…?
Yes, you can still become pregnant the day before your period but a home pregnancy test will not detect it for about 25 days.

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pregnancy test kit that can really detect pregnancy 1 day before the period.?
Q: i’ve tried so many pregnancy test kits before but it detects pregnancy 1 day after the missed period. i’m in the philippines and i don’t know what is the best brand i could buy to solve my dilemma, if there is really a brand. my supposed-to-be menstrual period is on january 15. i want to conduct a pregnancy test on january 14. i spend holidays with my husband since december 20 and i’m on leave at work for one week starting january 5. i’m going to work on january 12. so, here i am again, hoping that i’m pregnant. we’ve been trying since dec20. i hope, you can’t blame me for being so crazily excited. we’ve been married for two years. it’s a very long time. i always love kids. i’m a very passionate and caring person. i want to have a child whom i can hold, whom i can share my life with together with my husband. i don’t know why there are a lot of women who can easily get pregnant even if they are not trying, even if they don’t plan for it, even if they are not emotionally, physically, mentally, and financially stable, even if they have a lot of kids to feed. i am really frustrated, the mere thought that it’s been two long years with one miscarriage is killing me day by day. but i know, we can make it. maybe the good Lord has better plans for us. maybe, it’s not the time yet, but when? we keep on trying ang trying after my first miscarriage, but still we’re out of nowhere. i don’t want to have another miscarriage. i don’t know why my obgyne could not prescribed drugs that could help me not to lose my baby in my 6 weeks of pregnancy last nov.2007. the pregnancy test kit detected my pregnancy one week after, not one day of the missed period. i don’t see any PTK in the philippines that can detect pregnancy one day before the period…if you know one, please help.thanks so much.
A: Part One: FIRST RESPONSE can detect the pregnancy hormone 5 days sooner than the day of your missed period. In clinical testing, FIRST RESPONSE detected the hormone levels in 69% of women 4 days before their expected period, in 83% of women 3 days before their expected period, in 93% of women 2 days before their expected period, and in 93% of women 1 day before their expected period. Over 99% accurate!** **99% accurate at detecting typical pregnancy hormone levels. Part Two:Doctors tell you not to worry after your first miscarriage many women miscarry babies and are unaware, my heart goes out to you Part Three:Eat health, take those vitamins and folic acidPart Four:Mg fillings in teeth a number of my friends feel made it hard to get pggood luck.
Can you get pregnant days before your period?
Q: If I had sex a few days before I was supposed to get my period, is it possible to still get pregnant or is the egg already like past the fallopian tube or whatever? There’s pregnancy tests that can detect pregnancy 5 days before your expected missed period. So if I had sex like 6 days before my expected period, and then get a pregnancy test the next day or 2 days after, would it be able to detect the pregnancy hormone, or has it not been long enough even if it’s still 5 days prior to the expected missed period?!
A: You can get pregnant any time in your cycle because you don’t know for sure when ovulation happened. Even with a regular 28day cycle some women ovulate late and even someone who is regular can throw off their cycle with stress or just have an ‘off’ cycle where ovulation is delayed and therefore the period is delayed. It takes up to a week after implantation of the fertilized egg to get enough hormone in your system for a test to detect. Implantation can take a few days as well. Those early detection tests will work 5 days before your period IF you ovulated in the ‘normal’ time frame of a regular 28 day cycle etc. You have to give it at least 10 days from the date of unprotected sex but by 14 days after the date of unprotected sex, the test result should be accurate. Of course if you get your period within that timeframe you’re fine. I would just wait because a test isn’t going to tell you anything.Make sure you take the test with the first urine of the day since the hormone is more concentrated and more likely to be detected then.
If I have unprotected sex the day before my expected period, how long should I wait before testing?
Q: I was told pregnancy tests were extremely accurate from the day of your missed period on. But because I had sex the day before my expected period and because it can take about 6-7 days after intercourse to become pregnant and then several more days before the pregnancy hormone can be detected, does it mean that a test taken the day after my expected period (2 days after I had sex) could be too soon to be accurate? Another question: would getting my period in this case still mean I wasn’t pregnant, or would it be too soon to tell because I had sex so close to the time I was supposed to get it? A rephrase: do you still skip your period when pregnant no matter when you have sex, or can you have it so close to your period that you would not skip your upcoming period but instead the next period? Had to cover all the bases…and please don’t say go see a doctor. Obviously I will do that if I do not get my period soon. I would just like some peace of mind before I go to sleep.
A: Wait like a week, that’s all I have to say.
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