Can it affect having children in the future

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There are no stated dangers for effects regarding HCG shots for women whom are pregnant or interested in conceiving a child. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can it affect having children in the future
Can it affect having children in the future
There are no stated dangers for effects regarding HCG shots for women whom are pregnant or interested in conceiving a child.
Will having an abortion affect my ability to have children in the…?
There is no indication that abortions are linked to future miscarriage or sterility.
Does birth control affect having children in the future?
If you take it for many, many years it can effect your ability to have kids. I have a friend who has been on birth control for about 11 years now and her gyno told her that it may take a few months once she comes off the pill and that she m…

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Will this affect my future children?
Q: My father and my younger brother both have the same mental disorder: schizophrenia. My father has the more extreme case with hallucinations, etc. What my brother has is more mild, like paranoia. Will I get this later in life? Can my offspring possibly have it too?? 🙁
A: Schizophrenia usually develops at around a certain age, late onset is rare. If you are many years older than your brother, you are very likely not to get it. It can often skip generations. I don’t know if there is a genetic test available yet. If there is, you could find out how likely it is that you could pass it to your children. About 1% of Americans have schizophrenia. There are better treatments now for schizophrenia and many can live relatively normal lives. When you have children there will be even better treatments.
Will having a stillborn affect any other children I have in the future?
Q: Will having a stillborn affect any other children in the future?I had a stillborn at 9 months pregnant/ 40 weeks. We had an autopsy, but the autopsy came back normal. I wish I knew why it happened. We couldn’t find anything wrong with the baby or myself. Do you think having a stillborn will affect any other children in the future that I may have? The doctor said it won’t, but I’m not so convinced. I don’t want this to happen again, and I’m afraid I won’t have anymore children because of what has happened, even though I have had 1 healthy child. Before him I had a miscarriage as well. If you have any advice, please be serious. I have heard of at least 3 people who said that this has happened to them twice, so I’m really scared, but we want at least one more child. I know no one can probably tell me that I am for sure going to have another healthy child someday, but I am wondering if anyone out there has ever experienced this and if they went on to have more children that were healthy.
A: First, I am very sorry for your loss (((((hugs)))))If an autopsy says the baby was normal and they couldn’t find a reason for your loss, then chances are in your favor that this won’t happen the next time.As a precaution though, next time you may want to be under the care of a high-risk specialist… aka maternal-fetal medicine doctor.Best of luck to you and God bless.
Will having a stillborn affect any other children in the future?
Q: I had a stillborn at 9 months pregnant/ 40 weeks. We had an autopsy, but the autopsy came back normal. I wish I knew why it happened. We couldn’t find anything wrong with the baby or myself. Do you think having a stillborn will affect any other children in the future that I may have? The doctor said it won’t, but I’m not so convinced. I don’t want this to happen again, and I’m afraid I won’t have anymore children because of what has happened, even though I have had 1 healthy child. Before him I had a miscarriage as well. If you have any advice, please be serious. I have heard of at least 3 people who said that this has happened to them twice, so I’m really scared, but we want at least one more child. I know no one can probably tell me that I am for sure going to have another healthy child someday, but I am wondering if anyone out there has ever experienced this and if they went on to have more children that were healthy.
A: no
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