Can pregnant women drive in the carpool lane

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No. In CA, only individuals occupying their own seat in the vehicle count towards rider count for carpool lane purposes. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
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Please Login to ask or answer a question, or Register if you do not have a SearchWarp Account. Answers to this question: Answer from Sandra E. Graham (8,386) Sandra E. Graham 134 days 23 hours ago. More questions answered by this person Abs…
Great question….probably not, but if you really wanted to argue the point of two individuals in a car and get involved in Roe v. Wade issues, you might get out of traffic court to the Supreme Court if you’ve got a few hundred thousand dol…
No they cannot. I believe there was a big case about this, and the woman lost. I think it should have to be two people who are old enough to drive anyway. I mean, what, that fetus was going to drive their Accord to work if the Mom didn’t …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why can’t pregnant women drive in a carpool lane?
Q: Ok. I know the rules, I read the stupid book over again…and again. that is after I got my ticket. this was almost 2yrs ago when I was pregnant. I drove in the carpool lane & got a ticket. I thought maybe its ok b/c I’m PREGNANT! Cop was a jerk & not so understanding…. he made a smart ass remark to me saying, “like what, are we cops now suppost to carry pregnancy test now or what!?” something like that. well, If there is a will there is a way. If they can give the handicap signs and parking spaces We can have a right too! Right? I’m not saying we’re disabled but, we have special needs as carrying a child. I know all you pregnant women had tough times while driving like having bad pains & kicks where u need to get off the road QUICK! Also holding ur pee in. I peed myself b4 & it was b/c I was in traffic! & what if the contraction kick in & u need to hurry up off the road. One of my biggest fears was being stuck in traffic…. What if ur water broke! or something else??I’m not asking for a special parking space but a pass to use the carpool lane for being pregnant. I think maybe a small bright sign to put in ur back window & front… for COPS to see. & rules for the use of it of course. like misuse can lead to fines & when ur not pregnat u must remove sign, & return it. I also came to mind that what if someone was to kill someone who was pregnant? on the road or off….. aren’t they charged for killing TWO LIFES!? its considered two people right!? same as driving in carpool lane, u as a pregnant women should be considered as two people. I know somehow this can work, If I was more educated & knew the law better & had money for a lawyer & much much more…. I WOULD so fight for this. I would vote YES!!I hope someone would do something some day…..(I would still have my $500.00+ dollars back.) What do you think??I know the whole purpose for the lane. to cut back single drivers and more shared drivers, less pollution, less cars… & so on…… The Question now is ARE YOU FEMALE & had been pregnant b4!? do u honestly know how it feels….
A: A touchy issue, which bodes the age old question of when is a person actually a person… You do have your right to court, and if you feel like you can present a valid case talk at least with your local public defender and see if they can put something together for you to take to court. You dont need money to take this to court. I mean if you want a really high powered lawyer yeah you would probably need some cash. Also legal advice is free talk to a lawyer, that doesnt mean you have to hire them to represent you in court. But the worst that can happen is that you pay the additional 30 bucks in court fees…
why can’t pregnant women drive in the carpool lane?
Q: Ok. I know the rules, I read the stupid book over again…and again. that is after I got my ticket. this was almost 2yrs ago when I was pregnant. I drove in the carpool lane & got a ticket. I thought maybe its ok b/c I’m PREGNANT! Cop was a jerk & not so understanding…. he made a smart *** remark to me saying, “like what, are we cops now suppost to carry pregnancy test now or what!?” something like that. well, If there is a will there is a way. If they can give the handicap signs and parking spaces We can have a right too! Right? I’m not saying we’re disabled but, we have special needs as carrying a child. I know all you pregnant women had tough times while driving like having bad pains & kicks where u need to get off the road QUICK! Also holding ur pee in. I peed myself b4 & it was b/c I was in traffic! & what if the contraction kick in & u need to hurry up off the road. One of my biggest fears was being stuck in traffic…. What if ur water broke! or something else??I’m not asking for a special parking space but a pass to use the carpool lane for being pregnant. I think maybe a small bright sign to put in ur back window & front… for COPS to see. & rules for the use of it of course. like misuse can lead to fines & when ur not pregnat u must remove sign, & return it. I also came to mind that what if someone was to kill someone who was pregnant? on the road or off….. aren’t they charged for killing TWO LIFES!? its considered two people right!? same as driving in carpool lane, u as a pregnant women should be considered as two people. I know somehow this can work, If I was more educated & knew the law better & had money for a lawyer & much much more…. I WOULD so fight for this. I would vote YES!!I hope someone would do something some day…..(I would still have my $500.00+ dollars back.) What do you think??lol. but under age of 3 is free for movies and events….. no cost for my son to this day!
A: When pregnant, you wouldn’t pay for two seats at the theater or other event, correct? Same principle would apply here.If such a law was to be changed, the better approach might be to allow people with certain disabilities to use the carpool lane. (Pregnancy is technically looked at as a temporary disability.) And have some designation on the vehicle in these cases.You peed your pants when stuck in traffic? Guess you carpooled that day. (Sorry, bad joke!) Seriously, if there was an emergency such as your water breaking, the cops would help you out and likely even escort you in the carpool lane.
Can pregnant women drive in the carpool lane?
A: no i cleaned for a lady who was speeding in it and that excuse did not pass with the cop.
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