Can pregnant women have diet soda

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Diet soda is ok for a pregnant woman to drink, as long as she is drinking plenty of water and juices too. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can pregnant women have diet soda
Why cant women drink diet soda while being pregnant??
No one should drink diet soda. Ever. It is unhealthy. Soda is unhealthy anyway but diet is worse. If you feel the need to drink junky crap then have the real stuff. Diet is full of harmful chemicals. It’s bad enough to do that to yourself b…

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is it safe to drink diet soda or anything containing aspartame or any other artificalsweetners while pregnant?
Q: i asked this question just a couple days ago and everyone who answered said that they read or heard that it was bad for u to use anything containing aspartame/sweetners while pregnant. funny, i got this email today from thought other pregnant women might want to read…Discuss the use of low-calorie sweeteners with your health care provider, especially if you are diabetic or need to control calorie intake. The following low-calorie sweeteners have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration, and are considered safe for pregnant women and children: Aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal, Sugar Twin) is a combination of two amino acids, phenylalanine and aspartic acid. It is two hundred times sweeter than table sugar. It can be used in moderation by diabetics. One packet of Equal is the same in sweetness as two teaspoons of sugar. The average amount used supplies no calories. Individuals who have phenylketonuria (PKU) and cannot metabolize phenylalanine, or are sensitive to aspartame, should not use it. Saccharin (Sweet’N Low, Sweet Twin, Necta Sweet) is not metabolized and passes through the digestive system unchanged. It is a noncaloric sweetener produced from an organic compound. It is 375 times as sweet as table sugar and can be used in moderate amounts by diabetics. Acesulfame K (Sunett and Sweet One, Sweet and Safe) is not metabolized and is excreted unchanged by the kidneys. It can be used in moderation by diabetics. One packet of Sweet One is equal to the sweetness of two teaspoons of sugar. It can be used in cooking and baking. Sucralose (Splenda) is not well absorbed and is excreted unchanged. Splenda is the only artificial sugar substitute that is made from sugar. It is 600 times sweeter than sugar. Splenda or sucrolose is often used in baked goods, soft drinks, chewing gum, frozen dairy desserts, fruit juices and gelatins. One of the unique attributes of sucralose is that it can be used virtually like sugar without losing any of its sugar-like sweetness, even in applications that require exposure to high temperatures. Therefore, it can be used in baked products as well. More than 100 studies over 20 years have found no link between splenda and any health problems. It can be used by pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. Neotame (made by The NutraSweet Co.) is quickly metabolized and completely eliminated from the body. This sweetener is designed more for food industries than the direct consumer or tabletop sweetener market. The main markets for this product are soft drinks, yogurt, frozen dairy desserts and chewing gum. It would take approximately 8,000 teaspoons of sugar to equal 1 teaspoon of neotame.There has been much controversy and debate as to the safety of using these sugar substitutes during pregnancy. Saccharin has received a lot of attention since it can cross the placenta and may remain in fetal tissues. As a dietitian, I believe there is no concern if you use them in moderation. Always discuss your use of low-calorie sweeteners with your healthcare provider.
A: I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes and the dietitian there advised me that artificial sweeteners like Splenda and Aspartame are ok and even a nurse at the hospital advised me that Aspartame is ok … the dietitian also advised me that women who are pregnant have a harder time breaking down the sugar from fruit juice whether real or not ….
Are corporations trying to kill us — or is it that they just don’t care ?
Q: Aspartame WarningThis page exists solely to try and spread the word about the numerous & serious dangers of regular aspartame (Nutrasweet, Equal) consumption. Currently the 100+ articles on this page contain facts & opinions from over 50 doctors & nutritionists, many of which have each “cured” their patients of many symptoms (including weight gain) simply by removing aspartame from their diet. These 50+ doctors strongly recommend avoiding all aspartame products. Numerous articles detailing the unbelievable history of the aspartame approval are also provided, along with thousands of testimonials from former users. Some info. on the new sweetener Splenda (sucralose) found in Diet Rite soda is also provided. are over 92 different health side effects associated with aspartame consumption. It seems surreal, but true. How can one chemical create such chaos? Side Effects – Paxil, Prozac, ZoloftPotential injuries from antidepressant side effects include: * Suicide attempts * Antidepressant birth defects when taken by pregnant women * Serotonin Syndrome when combined with migraine medication * Increased risk of fractures and bone loss among older adults the Food and Drug Administration, all anti-depressant packaging is required to possess a “black box” warning, the strongest safety alert from the government. The label warns patients and their families of the antidepressants’ link to increased suicidal thoughts and behavior among children and teens taking them. Since some physicians have prescribed antidepressants not approved for use in children, it is important that they now revisit the decision to use these products “off-label.” as I have mentioned before — milk has been contaminated — by Monsanto — but then Fox protected them because it is legal to distort news So you just don’t need to know because a rich f—er decided that you don’t” The news is what we say it is “
A: A corporation is a legal entity having rights, priviledges, and liabilities distinct from its members. There is not one individual on most Boards of Directors who feels uniquely responsible for anything done on behalf of their corporation. That is how the big fish can morally distance themselves from any wrongdoing: it wasn’t my vote alone, it wasn’t me that pulled the trigger. Those people would not be on the Board if they voted in favor of the public’s interests and not in favor of corporate interests. If you want to vote in favor of human interests, go join a non-profit org.The corporation exists to make money. It has no moral character, no conscience. All corporations will subvert laws and destroy lives (if we let them) because there is as much profit in doing harm as in doing good (and probably more).We see cute logos and funny commercials and powerful-looking suits, and sometimes the PR firms for these corps organize some heart-wrenching walkathons and fund-raisers, in which the salary workers jog and donate their taxed income. Those people are not the corporation. Don’t be fooled by the magic trick; there is a man behind the curtain.
Which is better…nutrasweet or caffeine?
Q: I know, I know….the best thing to do is to eliminate both! But, I have read just as many pregnancy books as everyone else, so I know both are safe in small quantities. I tend to have one can of soda a day (really because I love the taste and it’s calming to me during a time where I’m trying to avoid sugary treats!). So…which is better….caffeine free diet coke, which has the nutrasweet, or diet coke with splenda, which has caffeine, but no nutrasweet? Coke doesn’t realize how much of a market they have for caffeine free diet coke with splenda!!! Just ask us pregnant women!Although fake, Splenda is made from sugar and has been found to be safe for pregnant women. Check out What to Expect When You’re Expecting.
A: I’m going to go with caffeine being the lesser of two evils. Caffeine is at least naturally-occuring, while Nutrasweet was produced in a lab. Caffeine really isn’t a big deal in limited amounts anyway.To be honest, if you really need a Coke, just drink the sugar version. Splenda is supposed to be safe, but I’d rather not risk playing around with artificial stuff.
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