Can you become pregnant two days before a missed period

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It is possible to get pregnant two days before your period. Keep using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
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Can you become pregnant two days before a missed period
It is possible to get pregnant two days before your period. Keep using ChaCha!

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can i become pregnant on the pill if i miss two days ?
Q: okay so ive been taking yazz for about 4 months now. recently me and my boyfriend had sex during the time i would be ovulating towards the end of week two and beginning of week three. im not sure if you still ovulate when your on the pill or not. anyways not only that but i missed two pills during that time. then about a day later i started my period. it was like almost 2 weeks before my missed period is supposed to be. am i likely to get pregnant ? or how would i be able to tell if im pregnant?i dunno if that makes much sense.. but id love peoples input. im so very confused.
A: You could definitely be pregnant! If you miss your period, take a test using your first morning urine.
Im not sure if Im pregnant – very upset with no advice, please help!
Q: I started to have unprotected sex about two and a half weeks ago( at most 4 days after the end of my period-my period is very short, it only lasted this time about 3 days.), and then we stopped after a few minutes, realizing what we were doing, and put on a condom. The exact same situation happened this sunday (the 27th), and we stopped and put on a condom again.just two days ago (July 29th), my breasts became very sore and tender. On the 30th, my breasts started to swell/increase in size. Today they are rather full and heavy, and still very tender and tingly. Just to note, it is VERY normal for my breasts to get this way right before my period, which should be in almost exactly a week, to my best estimate ( I don’t usually keep track of periods as Im not usually sexually active).I took a first-response EPT last night after finally starting to freak about it – like i said, it is perfectly normal for my breasts to swell and tingle, but in only 2 days?? The test came out negative. I took another one this morning, knowing that HCG(?) hormone is highest in the urine in the morning, and again it came out negative. I am also experiencing nausea, but that is a complete side note – when I get upset about things, my stomach gets tight and I feel very nauseous, and also, I only started feeling this way after I started getting upset last night. PHEW *breathes* That was a lot, sorry!Here are my questions:1. Should I go take a morning-after pill? I know it works up to 5 days after sex, but would it even help if these symptoms really are “pregnancy symptoms”? Because if they arent, I migght throw off my period, and increase my worry.2. Do your breasts increase size at such an early date and so fast? I can understand if I was maybe pregnant from the time we had sex this first time this month, but then wouldn’t the EPTs show up as positive if I was? And if it was from this time, could I be seeing those symptoms only after a few days ( I can understand tenderness, but breast size increasing?)3. ok i promise..last one! I know the early response directions said it is only accurate 4 days before a missed period (im about 7-8 days before my period should start- keep in mind irregular-timed periods are very normal for me as well), but if it is from the first time i had unprotected sex this month, wouldn’t the pregnancy hormone level be sufficient enough after almost three weeks to detect?As my title said, I am absolutely beside-myself with worry, and any advice would help- especially pertaining to if I should go get the morning after pill at such a late date. Thank you!
A: 1. the morning pill only works up until 72 hours after sex, so that only makes 3 days2. My breast’s were sore like I was getting my period, but did not increase until I was in my second trimester. That is different for everyone though.3. No you can only test up until 4 days until your period. Just because it is your first pregnancy does not mean your hormones are higher. Wait until you miss your period though to get an accurate result.If you don’t want a baby use protection!!!!!!!!!!!!
Switching from the pill to the nuva ring and need an answere?
Q: Ok, I was switching from the pill to the Nuva ring and I missed two days before I started the period pills, I didn’t take the two missed pills at all. I took the 4 period pills. So I pretty much went 12 days without taking any pill. I put the ring in and I just found out that it takes two weeks for the ring to take full effect! My doctor skipped that info!!! Every time my husband and I had intercourse we DID NOT use any other back up method…..I have two kids and it’s not like we would be upset about another child….so please don’t call me irresponsible! So with missing that many days,can you still become pregnant???well, I have one cousin that got pregnant with twins while using the ring and one cousin that has used it for 3 yrs and still not pregnant….both used it correctly, but I just have so many problems with birth control so I’ve tried dang near everythingI was only on those pills one month…..
A: I would say yes you could get pregnant just to warn you about the nuva ring i was on it after I had my son I ended up having really short periods when I was on it, like a day or two long which might make some people happy but I didn’t like it. I was worried every month that I was pregnant to much stress and I also suffered from migraines while on the ring.
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