Can you drink wine while you are pregnant

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Because there’s no known safe amount of alcohol consumption during pregnancy, don’t drink alcohol if you are or suspect you (more) [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you drink wine while you are pregnant
It is not recommended that a pregnant woman drink any alcohol through her pregnancy because of the risk of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. If she has had a glass of wine before she found out she was pregnant then she shouldn’t worry about it too mu…
General wisdom says that women should not drink alcohol or use drugs during pregnancy. Always check with your physician before taking any medication during pregnancy.
The truth is, they don’t really know how much alcohol is safe during pregnancy. How can they test it? It wouldn’t exactly be polite to ask a pregnant mother to have a drink every day to see if her foetus suffers from it. And lets face it…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it a myth that you can drink wine while your pregnant?
Q: Is it true you can have a glass here and there of wine while pregnant or not?
A: yes, as with anything you should not over indulgebut one glass here and there with food while pregnant or nursing is fine….just not every day, not binge drinking, don’t get drunk or tipsywhat you are worried about is fetal alcohol syndrome—-No evidence exists that can determine exactly how much alcohol ingestion will produce birth defects. Individual women process alcohol differently. Other factors vary the results, too, such as the age of the mother, the timing and regularity of the alcohol ingestion, and whether the mother has eaten any food while drinking.
Can you drink wine while pregnant? Iam 5mons pregnant and I had a very small glass of wine on New Yrs. Is tha?
Q: t bad for the baby? That was my first and only time drinking wine.
A: The truth is, they don’t really know how much alcohol is safe during pregnancy. How can they test it? It wouldn’t exactly be polite to ask a pregnant mother to have a drink every day to see if her foetus suffers from it. And lets face it, mothers whose children suffer from foetal alcohol syndrome aren’t likely to be honest about how much and how often they drank during pregnancy. The safe way is simply to avoid it, it’s the only way to be sure.That said, I really don’t think one glass of wine in 9 months is going to harm anything. Just don’t do it again 😉
Can you drink red wine while pregnant?
Q: **Please dont say nothing stupid** ME and my mother and my sisters and her friends where talking at the table the other day. One of my sisters friends suggested that it was ok to drink a glass a day or every once in while.My mom said it relaxes the baby also. i said i wouldnt because it still has alcohol in it and i didnt want to risk my pregnancy drinking a champagne glass of red wine.. are they telling the truth? or am i just too cautious?
A: More about Wine and PregnancyDrinking while pregnant is a touchy subject no matter how you approach it. Most Americans, understandably, seem to be unable to approach any discussion of it without the strong moralistic bias that underlies so much of our culture. While the majority’s point of view on the subject is morally driven, the righteousness of the “common sense” on the issue comes not from some religious conviction, but from an unconsidered, yet zealous acceptance of supposed scientific evidence. In short, everyone knows that “it’s dangerous to drink while pregnant because it leads to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) and birth defects.”Yet, like so many things that are “common sense” in our culture, this accepted wisdom, is only barely true, as today’s article in the New York Times discusses.Now I’ve addressed the subject of wine and pregnancy here before on Vinography. And the discussion which ensued was a perfect example of how strongly people feel about this subject.One of the great things about the Times article is how well it sets out the conflicting points of view. On the one hand, we have folks who point to the experiential evidence of, essentially, the whole nation of France, where women regularly drink and smoke through their pregnancies with statistically no higher rate of FAS than in the US. On the other hand we have the warning labels on bottles of wine, and the strident insistence of many that there are scientific studies which prove that drinking during pregnancy is dangerous to the fetus.In my opinion the supposed “scientific facts” which are behind everyone’s default point of view on the subject don’t support the notion that drinking while pregnant is dangerous. Oh sure, there is scientific evidence relating to alcohol and pregnancy, but scientifically it only proves two things:1. heavy drinking while pregnant is dangerous for every normal person2. for those with a history of alcoholism, any drinking may be dangerous during pregnancyAs the Times article, as well as the article cited in my previous post on the subject relate, there are no studies which show any increased likelihood of FAS or birth defects in healthy women who occasionally consume alcohol in small quantities during pregnancy. Of course, this doesn’t stop anyone from sermonizing about the dangers. Which really has led to a culture of fear in the US.Thankfully, reports from several of the friends I have who recently had children show that doctors are increasingly not buying the hysteria and are giving sensible advice. For most of my friends, that has amounted to “an occasional single glass of wine with a meal is perfectly fine.”Which is why any pregnant woman who eats at my house gets a wine glass at her table setting. But of course, I live in America, so I’m now forced to say that everything you’ve just read is my opinion only, and doesn’t constitute medical advice, and you should talk to your doctor before eating or drinking anything during pregnancy which might affect your health or the health of your baby.
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