Can you get pregnant before you start your period

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you get pregnant before you start your period”,you can compare them.

Yes, you can, but you typically ovulate and are most likely to get pregnant just after your period ends. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you get pregnant before you start your period
Can you get pregnant before you start your period?
No, at her age her uterus and ovaries still are not yet ready to be impregnated. She was a virgin before this right? Even with pre ejaculation, she has not had her first period there for does not have and eggs for the sperm to impregnate…
Can i get pregnant right before my periods start??
You are most likely to get pregnant when you ovulate which occurs 10-14 days before your period. When you are ovulating you will notice that the mucus in your vagina will become thicker, clearer and stronger. You can also track your basal b…
Do you have to start your period before you can get pregnant??
If you are on the verge of puberty, you could be in the time of your first ovulation and get pregnant without ever having your period. Please get some more info before launching yourself into the unknown.

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A: You could get pregnant any time you have sex, unless you are already pregnant or have had a hysterectomy or have gone Thur menopause!!
Can you get pregnant before you start your period?
Q: Can you have sex about 4-3 days before the start of your period then have the period and then miss the next period??
A: Yes, its a long shot, but you have to realize that a sperm can live inside your body for up to 5 days, and some women ovulate early in their cycle, and some late. So honestly, yea, you could even be on your period, have sex and get pregnant. His sperm go in and wait for an egg to show up, that is what they are made for.
Can you get pregnant right before you start your period and start next day would it cause the period to stop?
Q: If you have unprotected sex and start your period the next day knowing you were supposed to start if you got pregnant would it cause that period to stop after about 1day and a half? IF it does and normally you go for about 5 days is there a chance you got pregnant would it have a effect that quick?
A: I got pregnant with my son on the 2nd day of my period. I continued to have a normal flow and had no idea that I could possibly be pregnant until I was more than 2 weeks late. By then I was almost 7 weeks already.
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