How do moods change during pregnancy

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Since so many hormones are going threw the body of a pregnant woman, they tend to become really emotional. ChaCha [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do moods change during pregnancy
How do moods change during pregnancy
Since so many hormones are going threw the body of a pregnant woman, they tend to become really emotional. ChaCha
What is the earliest anyone has had mood changes during pregnancy…?
As a man, my honest opinion would be that women have mood changes whether they are pregnant or not
How do I explain to my husband the mood changes I am having durin…?
You did it perfectly well just now. Walk up to him and say “Honey, I don’t know how to explain to you about all the hormones that are going on with me.” There is no way to explain it other than to say that you can’t. When you ar…

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How do I explain to my husband the mood changes I am having during pregnancy?
Q: I am pretty emotional anyway but lately I have felt extremely irritated with my husband and just really yelling at him for no apparent reason and than crying. I don’t know how to explain to him about all the hormones that are going on with me and making it so he doesn’t get mad at me when I get upset. Any suggestions?
A: It took my husband quite a while before he realized that it was my hormones making me crazy ha ha but he understands now that i’m almost at the end of my pregnancy! He kept asking his friends and family that have been through it and they all said the same thing. So I think that’s what finally convinced him.
How to get my family back?
Q: I just had a beautiful baby boy on June 12th of this year. 2 years ago from today I met this great woman who already had 2 children of her very own. We decided to have a baby several months after we got together. During the pregnancy, her moods changed radically. I had a difficult time with her and we constantly argued. After she had our baby, our relationship went downhill. I noticed that we both weren’t treating each other right. I felt like she was more of a mother to me than a girlfriend. She always wanted to know where I go after work, who I go out with, what time did I get home and I felt that she was trying to force me to settle. We don’t live together… I tried living with her, but she snoops through all my clothing, my shoes just to see what I’m really up to. I call that my invasion of privacy. So, lately; I’ve been close to my friends and I do my part of course which is giving her money for my son, even still that is not enough. We’re now separated. How do I get her back?
A: Maybe she had the baby blues. Many women get depressed after they have a baby. This in turn gets the men on edge, not realizing why the women are so moody or possessive wanting to know were you are all the time. Was she at home with the kids all day. Maybe she was lonely and jealous that you were free to go out while she felt like she was stuck at home. Maybe you should start with suggesting a counseling session. See what happens from there. Talk about your feelings of her being snoopy encourage her to tell you about her feelings. Don’t laugh at each other or make each feelings seem less important.Maybe you just are not meant to be together, but its worth a shot. What ever happens try to stay on good speaking terms for the children it makes a work of difference to have both parents in their lives. Even if they don’t live together.
Did(does) anyone else feel anxiety or panic about sex during pregnancy?
Q: I’m 4 months along and for the first trimester sex with my husband wasn’t an issue at all. I would get in the mood and everything was fine. Recently I’ve noticed that I feel a little panicked before and during sex. It’s not enough for me to call it quits (especially since I know my husband has his needs too…the extra person in my belly doesn’t change his wants or needs), but it does prevent me from enjoying it fully. (In fact it it is harder and harder now for me to orgasm) My husband notices I’m not as “into it” as I once was. I know my hormones have a huge play in this and that my body is going through drastic changes. I’m not looking for medical advice here. Just some tips on how to be more into it and feel less anxious about it.I do give my husband pleasure through “other” means, but I know its just not the same. He wants to know he can still please me, but I find it really hard to get into it. It’s basically an on and go thing for me, more for his sake then mine.
A: Im going through the same thing right now…im 22 weeks…we still make love all the time, but its harder for me now too….I experienced the same thing with my other 2 pregnancies as well…it is just the hormones and the bigger the baby gets the more i would worry or feel discomfort…(I felt/feel like I have to pee all the time during sex)we try to have more foreplay and extend it a bit before actual penentration…that has seemed to help me alot…also taking control instead of having him in control also relaxes me more…..and I always go pee beforehand Im sure everything will work out just fine..experiment a little and take your time with it…there are plenty of exciting positions and different things to do when your pregnant that both you and your husband will enjoy immenslyCongrats on your pregnancy!
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