How do you know if a ball python is pregnant

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Gently palpate the abdomen and if you feel firm masses it’s likely gravid. Otherwise take it to your vet and they will run an ultrasound. ChaCha again! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you know if a ball python is pregnant
How do you know if a ball python is pregnant
Gently palpate the abdomen and if you feel firm masses it’s likely gravid. Otherwise take it to your vet and they will run an ultrasound. ChaCha again!
How do i know if My ball python is pregnant?… and These sites should give you the answers you need. My son first works with her a bit to get her to relax some and so she is are not like a steel band. He drapes he…
What do you need to know to own a ball python?
I have a few. First of all you need a tank that has a cover box so that the snake can hide. You don’t want a very big tank bcuz they like to feel secure in smaller spaces. You also need a heat lamp. I recommend a spot lamp bulb that simulat…

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Q: mine don’t usually smell bad, but recently they have been smelling very very bad. their bedding is paper towels, they have a heat pad, and ai just disinfected their cage. also, on their bellies i have seen some little brown spots on one of them, is there something wrong, what should i do? i have been putting neosporin on ther bellies for about 3 days. they also don’t want to eat, this might be because they might be pregnant. but i am worried so last week i force fed them a fuzzy. they are between 1200 and 2000 grams.Please only answer if you can help or you have something good to say, don’t answer and just complain, or tell me to take better care of them, i take very good care of my snakes, and i know how to, too. i have over 10 ball pythons, so don’t just reply to say they arn’t good beginner snakes, because i have experience with them.THANK YOU TO ANYONE THAT HELPS!!
A: if your pythons could be pregnate you shouldnt feed it if it wont eat they dont eat for a reason when they are about to lay eggs. i also wouldnt recomend force feeding a adlut ball python they can go for a year without eating if they feel like it.the brown marks on thier tummys could be form the heat pad. there putting more layers of paper towls. Dont mean to sound mean or anything. And is one of your pythons a female and the other male? How come you think its pregnant? ive had ball pythons lay eggs before so i could probably tell you if it was or not.
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