How do you know if a girl is pregnant? More

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you know if a girl is pregnant? More”,you can compare them.

Slight bleeding or cramping, Food aversions or cravings, headaches, constipation, mood swings, faintness or dizziness. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you know if a girl is pregnant? More
the only way of knowing is to have a blood test or a home pregnancy test.
There are many ways you can tell when a girl is pregnant. The best way is to get a pregnancy test and make her take it, if it does come out positive, then take her to a doctor and have them do a blood test or ultrasound to make sure. Tests …
When her belly starts to grow outward and in 9 months she delivers a infant. By the way – She can not get pregnant by preforming oral sex.

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A: It just means that you now know he is fertile and can make babies so if you don’t want a baby then take the right precautions. It is only girls that can have strong fertility shortly after birth.
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