How do you tell your parents your pregnant at 16

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Write your parents a letter. Tell them you really need their support right now. Give them awhile and then talk with them calmly. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you tell your parents your pregnant at 16
You sit them down, and be very mature and adult about it. You tell them look, I know that I am way too young for this but I am pregnant and I am sorry, but I was old enough to have sex, and I am old enough to take on this responsibility n…
An option . . . . If you go to a Planned Parenthood clinic that has a low-income program it can be as cheap as 100$. If you tells them you have no job, no money and no support they will likely have you pay the minimum for the procedure and …
#1-Find out if you are really pregnant. #2-If you are, talk to the man who got you pregnant and see what you both think is best. #3-First of all, I think that you being 16 and him being 28 is statutory rape (not exactly sure) but that may b…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do you tell your parents and family you’re pregnant at 16?
Q: 16, going to have the baby when you’re 17.
A: well i agree with everyone else by just blurting it out. get it over with before your to far along and they figure it out themselves. Also you no your parents, and you know how strict they are so it depends on that. if they no your bf or the baby daddy or watever that would prbably help. you could try writing a note to them and just handing it to one of them so they can process the news themselves for a minute. also mention that its not a joke and tell them your deisions on what you want happening to the baby (adoption, ect.) good luck :/
if you were 16 how would you tell you parents your pregnant?
Q: i am not pregnant all though i could be i have sex yesterday and he didn’t use protection. i am so worried about it and i cant do a est till at least 7 days after-wards and i don’t know what to do i have know one to talk to. and if i am how am i going to tell my mum she says she would kill me so if i am i don’t want to tell her
A: In the end your going to have to tell her. There is no way to avoid it. Pick a time when your parents are in a good mood, maybe after supper once the dishes are done? Tell them you have something extremeley important to tell them and that it’s urgent. Once you have theirs attention camly explain that you had sex with a boy and you are pregnant. Chose your words wisley, it’d be a good idea to tell them what your going to do with the baby. When they respond, wether or not it’s crying, shouting, name calling, or talking just let them do it. If they say something hurtful don’t get upset just listen. They may not trust you for a long time but they will forgive you soon enough
How do you break it to your parents that your pregnant?
Q: Ok. So I’m 16 and my boyfriend is 17. We have been dating for a while now and ya now my eggo is prego. We have dicussed all of our options and have concluded to get married and keep the baby. We have look at getting fincial help from the state and everything. We need to get parental consent forms for us to get married since we are under age. But we don’t know how to tell our parents about it all. So if you have any suggestions please tell me asap. I want what’s best for my baby and she’s going to need to have medical attention. But ya thanks guys.
A: Hope you don’t live near me because the “fincial” help from the state you plan on depending on is coming out of taxpayers’ pockets. Believe it or not, money doesn’t grow on trees.You aren’t even remotely responsible enough to raise a child. What a great way to start your adulthood…
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