How does Bella get pregnant in Breaking Dawn

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Edward is the dad, I don’t know how she got pregnant because he’s a vampire, but by some twist of fate she got pregnant. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How does Bella get pregnant in Breaking Dawn
How does Bella get pregnant in Breaking Dawn?
She and Edward made a bargain that if she married him then he would try and have sex with her. So after they got married they went on their honeymoon and they had sex a couple of times that is how she got pregnant.
Does Bella really get pregnant in Breaking Dawn?
In Breaking Dawn, the fourth book in the Twilight Saga, Bella Swan does get pregnant by vampire husband Edward Cullen.
Does Bella get pregnant in Eclipse or Breaking Dawn??
Bella get pregnant in Breaking Dawn during the honeymoon. Edward and Bella do get married and Jake shows up but then gets mad and has to leave b4 he phases then edward takes bella to a private island called isle esme (carsile bought esme a …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

does Edward get Bella pregnant in breaking dawn?
Q: im reading the book breaking dawn (the sequel to twilight). but had to turn it in to the library and diddnt have time to finish it. does edward get bella pregnant?? and how is the baby born if shes still a human??
A: Yes, she does get pregnant. The baby ends up breaking her backbone and she is dying, so they have to deliver the baby. After they deliver the baby, Edward turns her into a vampire before she dies. The baby ends up being half human half vampire. She (yes, it’s a girl)can eat human food, but prefers blood. She has vampire powers too like vampire strength. Also, she has a special power. If she touches someone, she can show them what she is thinking. Oh yeah, after the baby is born, Jacob plans to kill it, but ends up impringting on her. Weird, don’t you think?Hope I helped!
How does Bella get pregnant in Breaking Dawn?
Q: I’m sorry, there are a lot of questions on Breaking Dawn; but I wanna know.Who’s the dad? I thought Edward couldn’t get her pregnant?SPOIL ME. It’s fine. I just want to know the facts. And what happens with Charlie and Renee. I know, Bella kind of “dies” when she’s human or whatever, but what do they tell Charlie and Renee?That Bella died?TELL ME PLEASE. <33
A: Edward, though he can’t get her pregnant, is the father. Meyer picked up a nasty crack habit, and those plot holes just kept coming.
How did Edward get Bella pregnant in Breaking Dawn?
Q: The new “Twilight” book is “Breaking Dawn”. It has come to my attention that, during this book, Edward makes love to Bella and gets her pregnant. However, in the Personal Correspondence number one on the Twilight Lexicon is states:”And since we’re talking physiology…I’ve had tons of people ask if vampires can have babies. The answer is no. When someone becomes a vampire, it’s as if they are frozen exactly as they are in that moment. His or her (and we’ll go with her because it’s more central to this discussion) body no longer experiences change. Hair does not grow, nor do fingernails (if you cut your hair, you’re stuck. That’s why Alice’s hair is so short–it was growing back from being shaved in the asylum). This applies to all changes–so a woman would no longer have any kind of ovulation cycle. If she were already pregnant when she was bitten, both she and the fetus would be frozen in that state. Which would really suck–pregnant for eternity? I’m shuddering at the thought.”So, how is it possible that Edward got Bella pregnant? (It also states that vampires produce no bodily fluids.)~A Confused Teen
A: hun… its easy. VAMPIRES and i repeat VAMPIRES cant get pregnant, but VAMPIRES CAN get people pregnant. it didnt say they couldnt get people pregant
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