How long does it take for your stomach to get hard when your pregnant

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “How long does it take for your stomach to get hard when your pregnant”,you can compare them.

If it is your first, typically 4 – 6 months. Some women do not show until in the 6th month. Chacha!! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long does it take for your stomach to get hard when your pregnant
How long do it take for your stomach to get hard when your pregna…?
It depends on what you mean by “hard”. Hard as in no room left, or hard as in a contraction. As your baby gets bigger there will be less room for the him/her to move. It is kinda like filling a gym ball with air. The more air you …
Does it take longer for your stomach to get hard when you are ove…?
Yes, it takes longer. When your overweight you naturally have more room for the baby to grow versus when your thin, the baby has to make room to grow.
How long does it take for your stomach to get hard?
As with everything, this depends on the person. Some women report their stomachs getting firmer toward the end of their first trimester. Most common seems to be stomach hardening at about 18-28 weeks. Other women say their tummy did not get…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

When you are pregnant, how long does it take until your stomach starts to get hard?
Q: For people who alreadt had an baby.
A: 4 months
How long do it take for your stomach to get hard when your pregnant?
A: 4-5 months
How long does it take when pregnant with your second child?
Q: How long does it usually take for your stomach to get hard when you are pregnant with your second child?
A: It depends on how your stomach was before pregnancy.
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