How many babys can you have at once

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The world record for a natural pregnancy (no fertility drugs) is held by an Argentinean woman, who was pregnant with 12 babies. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many babys can you have at once
well the normal amount is 1 or 2 but there have been rare cases of 3, 4, 5, or in very very rare cases 6!
69 pop them out like daisies
They only have one cria at a time. Twins are extremely rare.

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Why do so many women choose abortions?
Q: I feel really upset at the percentage of women who have abortions in this country. I used to be for abortions until my twin sister became pregnant at 17 and they were going to give her an abortion but when they gave her an ultrasound they found out she was 5 months and she would of had to get a late term abortion. But as soon as she saw him her and my mom fell inlove with him his heart was beating and he was kicking and moving. Now that hes here and has been for 3 years he is literally the light of my life i love him more than i love myself and hes not even mine. I cannot imagine what my life would be like without seeing his happy little face watching spongebob and eating pizza. I wish all the girls who think about getting abortions could just realize that one a person is consived they are a human and grow up to be wonderful people. Its not just some thing in their belly thats gonna ruin their lives somtimes it can save them. They could atleast give them up for adoption and let them live. With birthcontrol, condoms, spermicide, and the plan b pill, i just dont see how sooo many unwanted pregnancys are still occuring and why they just cant have the baby and give it up for adoption. Ive actually decided that im going to adopt children and might not have any of my own. I know sometimes there are rape victims any sometimes bad circumstances but they can still have the baby and give it up. The baby didnt rape you and would rather live with a family that wanted it than be killed. When i read about abortions i just think of nathan and all of the nathans out there that never got a chance… Why do they do it? It makes me so upset. We arent animals we dont need population control…. if you are so irresponsiable you cant take a pill once a day and ask your boyfriend or a stranger to wear a condoms then the least you can do is carry a child for 9 months out of your life. If you have a mentality that oh i could never give my baby up then how can you sit there and let a doctor kill it? its discusting… I cant imagine and argument that would back up a moral exscuse why an abortion would be okay…. this is nathan and he is beautiful and so are all those babys in those girls bellys right now that they are thinking about not keeping. I really do believe that this baby braught so much happiness and joy and love to my life. Even though my mom and dad didnt want my sister to have him he is the light of their lifes now too a child really is a beautiful gift from god under any circumstance.
A: Because it’s an easy way out of an awkward situation. Going through with a pregnancy requires effort. So it is easier and more convenient for women (and men – for many men are keen on abortions too) to tell themselves “oh, it’s just a cluster of cells, just a feuts – just anything” – rather than what it actually is – which is a baby.The idea that is is preferable to have an abortion rather than give a baby up for adoption is another popular one with pro-abortionists, they seem to think that life is not worth living if you are adopted, or even get raised in on orphanage. This is nonsense. Plenty of adopted children have happy lives with their adopted parents, and even children raised in orphanages manage to make something of their lives.
Will sex help me out at this point?
Q: I’m 38 weeks pregnant and I’ve been in such severe pain the last two weeks. My doctor said to give sex a try to get my labor going but seriously how effective do you think it would be at this point honestly?After reading this please tell me what YOU think…I am 38 weeksMy cervix is SOFT (according to my dr the delivery/birth process will be easy once I’m actually IN labor)I’m 5CM dilatedI’m 80% effacedStation -1 to 0They can FEEL the babys head easily.They can ALSO feel the water bag quite well. (It’s not BULGING yet but they can feel it)I am contracting hard already (yes they are painful.. sometimes to the point i’m doubled over in bed crying). Not regularly but I’ll have them 2 or 3 times an hour.My body has already done the “cleaning & preparing” process over the past few days. I have had very strong menstrual like cramps that my dr said was associated with my cervix softening MORE than what it already was and dilating to 5cm.. So at this point do you think sex would be benificial?I have tried sex for the past week but I’ve not had THIS many GOOD “signs” at that point. I’m seeing ALOT more happening now than I did a week ago… I’m not asking if it will break my water or throw me in labor right off the bat but do you think it would be benificial to give it another try? Do you think that it would actually do any good at this point?? Also, how LONG should we “do it”? We usually go about 15 minutes (because I’m very tight and sinse I’ve deprived him from sex so long he has a hard time lastin long lol)…As for why the doctors wont do anything? I don’t know… I’ve been up there 10 times in the past two weeks… You would think by now they would keep me if I’ve come this far. BUT no.. they wont. Infact they said even at 6cm they wont keep me if I’m not showing signs of labor at 38 weeks. They wont do anything to “get it goin” until 40. They wont STOP it.. but they wont encourage it either. So they let me suffer. I decided if I actually go into labor and/or my water breaks I’m delivering at the other hospital where they actually give a crap. (They just can’t do anything there to help me along at this point (or at any really) unless I’m in real labor or water breaks because I haven’t been a patient of theirs from the start and they don’t know my condition or history. So ya that’s why…
A: There’s a hormone in his spoogie that mimics the hormone your body releases to soften your cervix and begin dilation. At this point it couldn’t hurt to keep letting him get his jollies! LOL I would try a long walk too. If you are dilated to 5cm then your bag of waters is probably beginning to bulge, walking can be a motion that will finally cause rupture. Good luck.
i left my babys father wheni was 5 weeks pregnant can i still legally bind him to his baby?
Q: basically our pregnancy was unplanned! i was on the pill (celeste) but was also on antibiotics at the same time too,i didn’t realise that i needed extra contraception whilst on anti bi’s so i was a bit dumb really.anyway we were only together for about 10months and i had doubts about our relationship,over the few months we were together he seemed to transform from gentleman to lazy arrogant he would start an argument over something so minor (i once said i dint really like jade goody) so he started ranting then suddenly threatened to leave me???whats that all about (he threatened to leave on many more occasions after too)??then on another occasion i left my emails open and he went through my messages and found a message i had received from a male friend about a month before the ex in question and i had even got together!! he phoned me up saying were over and that he doesn’t like cheats without even asking me who this guy was and if there had been a past between us(there had not been ! as i said this guy was merely a friend)…anyways back to the point i was on my way to take my son over to his dads place when the ex in question said when u get back i wont be here !!so i said to him dint be stupid when i get back we’ll talk so took my son to his dads and when i got back was surprised to see my front door had been locked,when i went into my house i didn’t see him anywhere so i went upstairs to check and saw a note and a photograph on my bed the note said (dear k im sorry we didn’t work out i love you so much but really cant be with a cheat)at finding this note i was distraught i actually loved this guy at the time so i fell to my bedroom floor with my back against the wardrobe and cried…suddenly i got a phone call from this guy saying to me IF YOU LOVE ME YOU’LL COME AND FIND ME so up i jumped ran down the stairs and tried to open my door to go off in search of him when all of a sudden i heard a voice on my landing calling to me i almost jumped out of my skin with terror as i thought i was in my house alone!! this guy was actually hiding in my sons bedroom with all his bags in order to see the reaction he would get out of me.i just thought i would share a few of the events which occurred in order for you to understand him!! well anyway back to the pregnancy..i found out i was pregnant in feb this year and was totally shocked but knew i wanted to keep the baby as i dint agree with abortion! so i phoned him to tell him and he told me to get rid of it we had long chats about this… basically i refused a termination and he kept pressing on so eventually i ended my relationship with him.recently though he has been calling asking me how the pregnancy is going, and how i am, i have been polite to him up until the other day when he said he still loves me i replied im sorry but my feelings for you have gone but i would still love for you to be involved in your baby’s life and would still like to be friends when he turned around and said i honestly have no feelings for that baby i only call because i hoped there would be a chance we get back together.i have asked him not to contact me anymore because he’s disturbing me!!anyhow i would like him to be named as the baby’s father on the birth certificate and to contribute towards the child financially but he is refusing both. i really want him to be a dad but he’s adamant that he doesn’t want to so what can i do in order for him to at least be named on the birth certificate and in terms of receiving some maintenance for this child?? i feel very awkward about receiving money from people but i think my child deserves to have her dad pay towards her future !!
A: I think that as the law stands at the moment he has to either go the registry office to complete the form or fill in a statutory declaration. If he refuses to do either of these then you can’t put him on the certificate. There is supposed to be a law going through parliament this year that will force unmarried mothers to name the baby’s father and the father would then have to undergo dna tests if he thinks the child is not his. If he agrees to put his name on the birth certificate he will automatically get parental responsibility. If he won’t acknowledge the child you would need dna tests to prove that he is the father, otherwise you couldn’t claim money from him.
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