How many girls get pregnant when they are on birthcontrol

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “How many girls get pregnant when they are on birthcontrol”,you can compare them.

If birth control is not used correctly there is a 20 percent chance that a girl can get pregnant. Call 800-2ChaCha no limit & free [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many girls get pregnant when they are on birthcontrol
Can a girl get pregnant if she takes her birthcontrol every day??
The pill isnt 100%, and i was told it takes a month for it to fully take effect, so before you have the pill as your only birth control you should be on it for at least a month. i’m not completely sure what your asking, but i hope this help…
Can a girl get pregnant after being on the birthcontrol shot 2 ye…?
its hard, not imposible. i just got off of it three months ago after a year and a half, ttc but have read alot of horror stories. look at the fda site, it will give some info, some peopleget on the bc pill to kick start ovulation and someti…
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