How many months is the 2nd trimester

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “How many months is the 2nd trimester”,you can compare them.

The second trimester of pregnancy spans from week 13-27 of your pregnancy. This is when most women start to look pregnant. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many months is the 2nd trimester
How many months is the 2nd trimester of a pregnancy
Each trimester, including the second trimester, is three months long. Keep on doing the ChaCha!
How fast those 9 months go by once you enter 2nd trimester??
Time is dragging now. I’m 34 weeks and feels like a week takes forever to go by! Can’t wait to meet my little girl! People really started to notice my belly around 29-30 weeks.
When does the second trimester begin?? When does month 3 start??
Month 3 begins at 12 weeks and 2nd trimester begins at 14 weeks.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

If your in your 2nd trimester,how many months are you?
Q: Its really confusing to me because if your 13weeks pregnant your in your second trimester and you should be 3 months but people told me once you get to the second trimester your 4 months.
A: 1st Trimester: 1st, 2nd and 3rd months 2nd Trimester: 4th, 5th and 6th months3rd Trimester: 7th, 8th and 9th months13 weeks is the first week of the fourth month. Second trimester.
how many months am i? different books say different things?
Q: i started 12 weeks yesterday. i assumed that it was the last week of my third month. What To Expect When Expecting says 4 months start at 14 weeks? i thought it was 13.when does my 2nd trimester start???
A: When I was pregnant, 13 was the start of the 2nd trimester. When my sis was pregnant, 14 was the start of the 2nd. So honestly, I dunno. Her OB gave this big explanation of why it was like that and just confused me even more. I would say 13 is the start on #2.
How many weeks before delivery do you need to be in the country (UK)?
Q: I just started my 2nd trimester and my husband will need to travel a lot for work in the next few months. I’m thinking of travelling to my mother and staying with her until I need to come back to the UK for delivery. Ofcourse I’ll have all my antenatal appts etc in my home town. Does anyone know how many months before delivery do you have to be back in the UK?
A: why not deliver in another country so your child can enjoy the benefits of dual citizenship?
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