How many women are pregnant in the world today

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There are 20.18 births per 1000 people worldwide yearly. So, approximately 112,789,266 are pregnant now. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many women are pregnant in the world today
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is their many women that still want to get pregnant that are single and don’t have a man?
Q: what i am trying to ask is, the way the world is today, is their many women that want a child, but don’t want a man in their life. so they just want to get pregnant and have their child. and raise it all by their self? so how is this going to happen for you?
A: yes my sister is one of them somewhere you can get dild*s which contain sperm and it ejaculates like a normal penis apparantly sorry icouldn’t be more efficient as to where to get them
Why do many men and women have sex but then don’t want to care for a baby at all? Is this just nature?
Q: Hi all! Many people now in the US are single parents. But that’s not how God intended it to be regardless what you all say. Up until a few years ago, any pregnant woman in almost any society in the world was really just forced to get married to the father because it was the right thing for the baby. Why don’t people understand that they pretty much give up their own life when they know they’re going to be parents? A BIG problem in today’s world is that nobody cares about anybody and nobody ever wants to take responsibility for one’s own actions. Why do many men and women have sex but then don’t want to care for a baby at all? Is this just nature? Thanks!
A: it call not taken responsibility for one own action and mistaken lust for love .
How do you feel about people who imply that a woman who got pregnant….?
Q: should “suffer the consequences” of having a baby and raising it when asked about their opinions on abortion. Is that why we have so many rotten people in the world today, because their mothers were forced to raise them as punishment for some perceived “sin?”They always add that the baby should not be made to suffer for the “sins” of the parents, what better way to make a child suffer than to force them to be raised by people who resent their very existence?
A: My favourite pro-lifers are always the ones who refer to a child as a consequence. I wouldn’t go so far as to blame society for it, though.And any woman who refers to an abortion as the “easy way out” has CLEARLY never had one.And adoption is not always the best alternative for people either: not that many people actually DO adopt, and there are some who adopt and do it just for the money from the state. Adoptive parents are not necessarily better parents, people. And how would you like to one day find out your parents are not your parents?I was lucky enough to be born into a good family and have been educated about sex and birth control. Not everyone is that lucky!Lastly, society puts SO MUCH FREAKING pressure on girls to have sex, be sexy, act sexually…and then the same society condemns them for having the option of having an abortion when their horny sons get them pregnant. Hmph!
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