Is it illegal to fire a pregnant woman

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It’s illegal to fire a woman because she is pregnant, but it’s not illegal to fire a pregnant woman for any other reason. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it illegal to fire a pregnant woman
Is it illegal to fire a pregnant woman?
They can’t fire you for being pregnant, however, they can fire you if you didn’t follow their rules and policies. If you feel they were unfair contact a lawyer.

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is it illegal to fire a pregnant woman?
Q: i was recently fired from my job and im 6 months pregnant. Can they do that? I believe the reasoning was unfair and unjust.First i want to say that some of the responses i received were rude and not appreciated. The circumstances that I was fired for were more a favortism not good reasoning. I am not a lazy person. I am a very hard worker and I did my job well. I was the second im my position to get fired within less than a month. The supersvisor was best friends with the other co-worker. And proceeded to favor her and completley ignore me. Supervisors and other staff that are higher than her did not feel she had any conclusive things to fire me for. She fired me the same day I was going to tell her that I was listed as a high risk pregnancy. Before I got the chance she told me I was terminated. Now I have no insurance, (they cut it off the day after I was fired) and I have 16 month old daughter which was under my insurance policy.
A: They can’t fire you for being pregnant, however, they can fire you if you didn’t follow their rules and policies. If you feel they were unfair contact a lawyer.
Employer fired pregnant woman. illegal?
Q: My sister is 15 weeks preggie and she was getting very sick at work. She worked for a hospital as a ER Cleaner. Her OB was going to fax a doctor’s order stating she couldn’t work with the chemicals. She told them before her doctor could fax it and they let her go because of too much missed work. 6 days in 2 months. But it was the hospital sending her home. Is this legal? I thought that morning sickness was an excused condition and an employer couldn’t fire a woman based on just this.She was very proficient on the job – they said she was the best and fastest they had.She had worked there 5 months.And it is a Hospital! They could have transferred her to an open job – receptionist, filing clerk, nursing aide, etc.
A: I don’t think that it is legal. One thing you could do is get ahold of “Legal Aid”. This is usually a part of the food stamps program, but they might be able to look up the laws in the area that she is in.If this isn’t an option, check with 1-800-fedinfo under their discrimination area. High risk pregnancies are considdered short-term dissability, and as such are under the Americans with diabilities act (ADA).You could always get ahld of a lawer and check into it as well. Some lawyers have the “free consultation” thing
can i get fired for being pregnant?
Q: im 5 months and have been employed there for 10 months. My boss just fired me for no reason. It is probaly b/c i am pregnant not b/c my productivity has not dropped. Would i be able to sue for wrongful dismissal? How much would i get? Am I eligle for some sort of payout from my work? Isnt it illegal to fire a pregnant woman? I live in Canada BC and dont really understand how the laws work here
A: In Canada, it is illegal to fire someone because they are pregnant. You should contact the labour board ( about this and have it sorted out. Be prepared though, it may be a long process.
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