Is it normal to feel cramps when you’re pregnant

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In early pregnancy, some women experience cramping similar to menstrual cramping. It is not abnormal. ChaCha [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it normal to feel cramps when you’re pregnant
Is it normal to feel cramps when pregnant/?
yes before I knew I was pregnant I was cramping as if my period was about to start that’s why I never thought I could be pregnant, but it turns out I was pregnant and now I’m 9 weeks and I’m still cramping it’s very mild cramping but they s…
Is it normal to cramp during pregnancy?
Yes, it is normal to cramp during pregnancy. This is called implantation cramping which is where the egg implants itself to the uterus. Cramping can also be caused by the uterus expanding to support the weight of your growing baby. If for s…
Do you have cramps at the beginning of pregnancy??
I certainly did and the doctor told me it was completely normal, however serever cramps could be an indication of ectopic pregnancy if the pain becomes stabbing get it checked out

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

period feeling cramps when pregnant?
Q: ok i know that they say its normal to get cramps that feel like you’re about to start your period when you’re pregnant but for the past like 3 days ive had them pretty much non stop. Im 15 weeks. They’re still really light cramps like im about to start my period i just thought it was weird that its been pretty much all the time. Is this normal? am i just growing?
A: It is normal I had cramps with my first pregnancy for a few months and with this pregnancy I still have them a little and I am 21 weeks I also had a period for 3 months with this pregnancy and everything is just fine. He is a healthy boy that likes to move allot. So you should be fine congrats and good luck.You also have to remember you haven’t had a period in months and when its that time to have one you will fill it coming on but nothing happens.If you are that concerned then talk to your doctor
Is it normal to feel crampy (having cramps), like i’m about to start my period when you’re pregnant?
Q: i’m 5.5 weeks. i feel like i’m gonna get my period any second, but of course i don’t. is that periody feeling normal?
A: I felt like that until about 4 months. Plus morning sickness 24/7…it’s normal…not fun, but normal!!Congrats and Good Luck!!:)
Can u have a gut feeling that you’re pregnant and actually be pregnant?
Q: A few weeks ago I had a gut feeling i was pregnant and also started having mixed emotions like gettin depressed, crying or just being really happy 4 no reason. Never felt like this b4 so i checked & my partner & i had intercourse when i was ovulating. however i started gettin cramps, headaches, tiredness n tender breasts. further 2 that i experienced pain in my thighs and nausea,not vommitin but I’ve just started bleedin at the time my period was due, yet i feel that im still pregnant. It’s red blood like a period bt not as heavy as my normal period but it’s not light either. Is this normal? Im scared to do a pregnancy test yet even tho i didn;t plan on a child so soon, the thought of maybe being pregnant has grown on me and i now want this. I really think I’m pregnant as i have a strong feelin and have also dreamt abt havin a baby. Please help. it would be much appreciated.
A: When I was trying to get pregnant, I had lots of gut feelings that were wrong. And when I did get pregnant, I had no gut feelings. But I believe a lot of people do!You should take a test so you can see a doctor asap if you are pregnant. Make sure you take vitamins and eat well until you find out for sure!
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