Is it normal to get bloody noses when your pregnant

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The membranes are swelling and your nose is very dry and its easier to get a nose bleed that way .It’s quite normal. chacha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it normal to get bloody noses when your pregnant
Is it normal to get bloody noses when your pregnant
The membranes are swelling and your nose is very dry and its easier to get a nose bleed that way .It’s quite normal. chacha!
Is it normal to get bloody nose while pregnant?
To make sure you get the right answer. Go ask a doctor. People on here may say that they are doctors. But you never really know if they are. I would say no to your answer. (idk if i am right or not) just because I never heard of women getti…
Is it normal to get a lot of bloody noses when you are pregnant??
I got them for a few weeks right at the same time. My Dr. told me to take a slow release iron supplement to help, and use a humidifier. She also said that they are perfectly normal. Try those, they might help. And good luck.

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Bloody Nose WAY to often???? HELP?
Q: Hi,So I am a couple days away from being 23 weeks along now, and I have been having a bloody nose at least once a day for about the last two months. I read in my baby book that it is normal to have an increase in bloody noses’ while you are pregnant, but when does it cross the line of being normal to not so normal? I NEVER got bloody noses’ previous to becoming pregnant, and today I was out side and my nose just started gushing blood like a freaking faucet. It got all over my patio and all over my house and it wouldn’t stop bleeding. I even have this really disgusting taste in my mouth..not iron but it tastes like when you are supposed to swallow a pill and it sits on your tongue and you get the funky taste.What’s up with this? Is this still in the norm for pregnancy? Please help. Thank you.I forgot to mention that it is ONLY the left nostril that this happens to.
A: It does sound a little excessive but not yet worrisome. Two simple but effective ways to lessen the problem are sleeping with a humidifier on (especialy if you have air conditioning running which dries the air) and using a saline nasal spray which is very gentle and will add moisture to the membranes which are overdrying and cracking.
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