Is it right before or after your period your most likely to get pregnant

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You are most fertile and most likely to get pregnant two to three days before your menstrual period. Thank you for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it right before or after your period your most likely to get pregnant
Are you more likely to get pregnant right before or after yor per…?
After your period. Sperm can wait in the uterus/ tubes for a little while waiting for an egg, so a few times having sex can go a long way. Too close to your period and the egg is no longer viable and the sperm wait in vein.
Are you most likely to get pregnant right before your period or a…?*
It depends on when you ovulate. On a typical 28 day cycle, ovulation is around days 9-11 & your period is days 24-28. ChaCha on!

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okay this is not right someone told me you are most likely to get pregnant?
Q: 3days before or 3days right after your period and she is a nurse now im pregnant with # 3and i always thought it was about 2 weeks after your period 13, 14 or 15 days after your period when you ovulate you know mid cycle just want to know who is right
A: You’re most likely to get pregnant when you ovulate. Everyone has a different cycle, so knowing YOUR individual cycle is key. It’s not exact, like “14 days after the beginning of your period” or anything like that. Normally, you do ovulate mid-cycle. Personally, I ovulate sometime in the week following my period. It’s an idividual thing. Your nurse friend was wrong.
Pregnancy and your period?
Q: ok, I’m 25 and married and I don’t want any stupid answers please! I’m simply trying to find out because I forgot, and this seems to be the easiest way to, when are you most likely to get pregnant. Right before or Right after your period?. Obviously I know you can get pregnant any time and I don’t need any explanations on that. I’m just asking when is it more likely that you could get pregnant. Thank you for your answers and God Bless!
A: The week before your period there are about 2 days when you are ovulating is when you are most fertile.
When are you most likely to get pregnant?
Q: I know that you can get pregnant anytime but some people say during you period or after or right before. I’m not sure when your most likely to get pregnant. I heard it’s 14 days after your period, does that mean14 days after it ended or when it started?
A: You are most likely to get pregnant during the few days around ovulation, which occurs 14 days BEFORE your next period starts. Unless your cycle is exactly the same every month, there is no way for you to know when it happens based upon your last period. If your cycle is always 28 days, then you ovulate about 14 days after your last period started, but you never know when something like diet, illness, sleep, or stress might throw it off a day or two. It is possible to use changes in your body temperature and mucus discharge to tell when you are about to ovulate. Sperm can live for a few days, so that makes it even trickier to determine a time that is safe (or optimal, depending upon your goal). If you don’t want to get pregnant, it is best to use protection EVERY TIME you have sex, just in case.
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