Is the chance of getting pregnant right before your period high

Health related question in topics Womens Health Sexual Orientation .We found some answers as below for this question “Is the chance of getting pregnant right before your period high”,you can compare them.

I’d say your chances are slim to none if you have a regular cycle and you know for sure when AF is due. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is the chance of getting pregnant right before your period high
Is the chance of getting pregnant right before your period high?
I’d say your chances are slim to none if you have a regular cycle and you know for sure when AF is due.
Is it true that the chances of getting pregnant get higher right …?
Nope, not true. Once the egg is released (12-16 days before your period) it is only viable for 24 hours max, usually less. If it’s not fertilized then, it dies, and you cannot get pregnant until your next cycle. I know that makes it sound l…

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A: if you got your period, then you aren’t pregnant.
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A: your good it happens something like 10-14 days after your period
When is your highest chance of pregnancy, before or after your menstral cycle?
Q: I know everything is based on ovulation but is there anything related to the fact that you have a higher chance of becoming pregnant right before your period or right after your period? Also this may sound stupid (I’m not trying to get get pregnant but there could be a chance I have and I just want to know some more seeing as I cant take a test for a couple more weeks for it to be accurate) but it is possible to become pregnant from pre ejaculation right?Thanks for any help I just needed to ask.
A: It has everything to do with ovulation. You ovulate 14 days prior to your period. You would be considered fertile from about 4 days prior to ovulation to about 2 days post ovulation. The trick, though, is to know when you’re gonna ovulate in order to figure out those fertile days. And yes, you can get pregnant from pre-ejaculation. It only takes one sperm to get pregnant!! A full healthy ejaculation has about 2 million sperm, so pre-ejaculation will have quite a few as well.
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