What am I having

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More Answers to “What am I having
If you are pregnant, then you are having a baby! Congratulations! It could either be a boy or a girl. We certainly hope it’s not an alien; that would be bad. If you’re not pregnant, well, you could either be having a chocolate cake or a ner…
I was told on my last vchild that it was a girl. We were delighted as we had 3 boys already. To be even more sure we got a 3D scan done which was about an hour long. After being shown 3 lines and told i’m 99% certain it’s a girl, she stop…
As long as s/he is healthy, that is all you need. To answer your question, I will say you will have a little “GIRL.” Congratulations. +5

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A: It’s a bit painful, but nothing too serious. Overall, it feels like your are having cramps. Take some Tylenol before hand, that should help!
I am having a Police board interview on monday, your advise please!?
Q: I will be interviewing with a police department next week, it is a board style so there will be numerous interviewers. I have some experience with promotion boards from the Marines. What type of questions will they be asking? And what will they be looking for as far as answers? Any extra advise would be great! Thanks!
A: They are looking for honest answers, they want to see how you respond to questions that really have no correct answers (you are wrong either way you answer so be prepared to defend it and don’t back down from your answer. I guarantee you one member of the board will not like any of your answers and will challenge you numerous times. He or she wants to see if you change your mind if under pressure-Don’t do it, if you do you lose respect.A popular question is “Would you give your mother a speeding ticket” if you say no, then you will get the “oh so you only think the law applies to non family members”If you say yes you will get the “You mean to set there and tell me you would not even give you own mother a break? What are you a hard *ss or something? See either way you answer you will have to defend it.BE confident, don’t go into the “I want to help people” Crap ,we have all heard it and ignore that answer as stock and one that is pretty generic and non thinking (Lazy answer)Be prepared to answer questions about the city, how many residents, how many square miles those sort of things. By answering these type of questions you are showing you have researched it and that is always a plus in the review boards eyes.Don’t try to read what they are asking for and say what you think they want to hear, they will figure this out in bait questions they will feed you.Look good, be on time, and be confident. They will have their opinion of you before you set down. Act confident when you enter the room, look straight at them, when answering a question, look that person in the eye and then glance to the others so they know you are talking to them as well.Good luck
I’m really confused as to my religion… Based on the following description, what am I?
Q: Ok so umm… well I’m looking into religion. In the past I have been very skeptical on religion. I believe there is a God, I just don’t follow anything that I know of exists as organized religion. I’m trying to read the Bible and have a friend who is a Christian helping me read from a Christian view. I’m reading the book of John? idk but just with religion I’m kinda skeptical at times. I know you can’t PROVE religion, and I guess that is what bothers me, as I like science. But I don’t believe in evolution. I think as long as you’re a good person, you can go to heaven. I don’t believe in hell. The bad ppl like rapists and murderers just die, like atheists believe. I support homosexuality and dont think of it as a sin. Abortion is a woman’s choice in my eyes. Idk… umm… I believe Jesus existed and was a good guy, and I’m still trying to wrap my head around the possibility of him actually saving me from my sins. Idk if I believe this. I just don’t see God as the kind of being who would send his creation to live in pain and suffering because of their mistakes. I’m just really lost. Please don’t judge and please comment only if you’re not gonna be rude
A: Sounds like you are sane to me.Love and blessings Don
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