What are the chances of her getting pregnant at the end of her period

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the chances of her getting pregnant at the end of her period”,you can compare them.

There is a slight chance a girl could be pregnant if she has a cycle. Some women will also confuse implantation with a period. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-chances-of-her-getting-pregnant-at-the-end-of-her-period ]
More Answers to “What are the chances of her getting pregnant at the end of her period
What are the chances of her getting pregnant at the end of her pe…?
There is a slight chance a girl could be pregnant if she has a cycle. Some women will also confuse implantation with a period.
What are the chances of getting pregnant during the end of your p…?
There are points where you are just SUPER fertile and when this happens if there’s sperm present you are going to get pregnant. For some women this happens often and for others it’s rare but it does in fact happen. There are tests today tha…
Is there a chance of getting pregnant right after your period end…?
You are probably ok in the first 7 days from when your period starts.This is the rhythm method of birth control. The fertile period is 2 weeks before your period. The failure rate of this method is 25%….1 in 4 chance of falling pregnant.

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Unprotected sex a day after her period ended. Chances of getting pregnant?
Q: Me and my gf had unprotected sex a day after her period ended.Her period ended on Wednesday, and we did it on Thursday.-I didn’t ejaculate inside of her, only pre-c um. But I cummed an hour before I stuck it inside so there might be some sperm in the pre-c um and I never peed after that.-She was a virgin and so she said it really hurt so I only stuck it halfway in there. We only did it for a few minutes and didn’t finish and I never cummed again afterwards.What are the chances of her getting pregnant? It’s kinda too late for the morning after pill now.I usually use protection and I am a responsible person and this is the first time it’s ever happened so I’m really freaked out and nervous at the same time. Help please!
A: Very slim. Need to use protection always if you don’t want to get pregnant, but her chances are basically nil the day after her period ends. The dangerous days are 11 to 15 days after her period starts (STARTS not ends). Please use protection if you don’t want to be a daddy. GL.
Unprotected sex a day after her period ended but took EC. Chances of getting pregnant?
Q: Me and my gf had unprotected sex a day after her period ended.Her period ended on Wednesday, and we did it on Thursday.She has irregular periods.-I didn’t ejaculate inside of her, only pre-c um. But I cummed an hour before I stuck it inside so there might be some sperm in the pre-c um and I never peed after that.-She was a virgin and so she said it really hurt so I only stuck it halfway in there. We only did it for a few minutes and didn’t finish and I never did cum afterwards.-She took EC (Levonorgestrel) on the 5th day (before reaching 120 hours).What are the chances of her still getting pregnant? I usually use protection and I am a responsible person and this is the first time it’s ever happened so I’m really freaked out and nervous at the same time.Help please!
A: get her a pregnancy test but i dont think shell be pregnant.but check u never know or tell her to go to the gyno.
Girlfriend and i had sex. condom came off inside her. found it next day. whats chances of getting pregnant?
Q: So my girlfirend and i had a little too much to drink 2 nights ago and we were having sex and i stopped to switch positions and looked down and the condom was gone. So i put a new one on and we did our thing. I did not ejaculate at all that night. earlier this afternoon (bout 36 hours later) she finds it in her vagina. Her period is normally the end of the month (within the next 3-5 days) What do you think her chances are of getting pregnant??? I’m freaking out and considering the plan B pill but she is thinking we will be fine. time is ticking for us to get it… and we dont need a child with us only being 17 please help me … :(thanks for the help…but if she has this period do you think that we will indicate we are okay or is it too early and have to wait till next months period?
A: You probably lucked out this time.A woman usually ovulates about 14 days before her period. With the sperm and the egg remaining viable for a few days, there is about a week in the middle of the month when she could become pregnant.Okay – you can breathe a sigh of relief, but be more careful next time. It might be time for her to start using BC pills. And easy on the drinking too. You’re under age as it is.
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