What are the known vitamins for pregnant women

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the known vitamins for pregnant women”,you can compare them.

All women are encouraged to take prenatal vitamins if they are pregnant or are planning to become pregnant. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-known-vitamins-for-pregnant-women ]
More Answers to “What are the known vitamins for pregnant women
Does anyone know if prenatal vitamins are okay to take for non-pr…?
You bet! In fact many doctors recommand pre natal vitamins for any woman of child bearing age. The thing is the most important times to take them are before you know you are pregnant. Ya you could use a normal multi vitamin but it doesn’t h…
What Every Pregnant Woman Should Know About Vitamin A and Beta Ca…?
Vitamin A is found in many different foods that we eat as is Beta Carotene. There are some differences that every pregnant woman should understand when it comes to Vitamin A and Beta Carotene. Although it is important for the woman’s body a…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

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Q: My prenatal vitamins have 400 IU, is that enough? I plan to go over this with my doctor at my appointment next week, but would like to know if anyone knows the recommended amount. Thanks!
A: If thats waht the prenatal vitams have then your good. I take the vitamin plus one extra with just folic acid. You should be fine, but ask the Dr. so you can be calm. Good luck
If i use facial moisturisers with Vitamin A in them whilst pregnant is it harmful for the baby?
Q: Ive read that pregnant women should avoid vitamin A, now i know i should avoid Vitamin A rich foods but what about creams and moisturisers?
A: your skin is a sponge. you need V. A but not too much of it. limit the use or get a different cream.
i planning to become pregnant what is the best prenatal or vitamins the best i take?
Q: i would like to know the best prenatal for not pregnant woman.
A: Go to puritan.com. They have a good selection there. Here’s the link: http://www.puritan.com/pages/iq.asp?SearchText=prenatal&xs=74B7379A9997491182A0EA0656A7141CYou can trust any they sell there, I think.
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