What are the most common early pregnancy symptoms

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the most common early pregnancy symptoms”,you can compare them.

A missed period is usually the earliest symptom of pregnancy, although I had morning sickness before I even thought I was pregnant [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-most-common-early-pregnancy-symptoms ]
More Answers to “What are the most common early pregnancy symptoms
What are common early pregnancy symptoms?
In my third week, i was feeling neauseated, (but not everyone feels that) My boobs were so sore that I couldn’t touch them. I was having mood swings, mainly just at my husband and mother. I hope everything is all right, GOOD LUCK
What are the most common early symptoms of pregnancy??
The most common signs of pregnancy are: Missed or unusually short period Unusually thick vaginal discharge that is not foul smelling Thickening of the waist without significant weight gain Bloating or holding of water that is unusual for yo…
Are these common early pregnancy symptoms?
the pain in lower back but i am not sure about heavy feeling in lower abdomen.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are your most common early pregnancy symptoms?
Q: There is a possibility that I could be pregnant. If I were, I would only be about 3 weeks to 1 month pregnant. But all of a sudden my breasts have gotten really sore. I don’t know if this is a common symptom of early pregnancy. I have not skipped a period yet, so maybe I’m going to start my period. But the funny thing is that my breasts NEVER get sore…..EVER! So thats odd… I’d like to know, what are the early signs of pregnancy that some of you have experienced? Thanks!
A: I personally experienced very tender breasts, food aversions, faitness, and morning sickness that lasted all day. Some other pple talk about their early pregnancy syptoms on the site listed below. Check it out it might be helpful.Good luck
What are the most common early pregnancy symptoms?
A: NAUSEA!!!!!!!
What are the most common symptoms of early pregnancy sign – meaning before 1st missed period?
Q: I have cramps breast tenderness but not sure if its my period or pregnancy?BTW – Me and my husband are trying to conceive!
A: thats exactly how I felt before my missed period, I thought I was getting it but then I missed it, you usually experience the other symptoms til after 1 month pregnant…wait til the day of your expected period and take a home pregnancy test, thats how I found out….good luck, have faith, and take care.
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