What can a pregnant woman eat and not eat

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No level of alcohol consumption is considered safe during pregnancy, it’s probably also wise to avoid caffeine altogether if MORE [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-can-a-pregnant-woman-eat-and-not-eat ]
More Answers to “What can a pregnant woman eat and not eat
What Can A Pregnant Women Eat And Not Eat?
You can pretty much eat anything in moderation, increase fresh fruits and vegetables and fluid intake, avoid fish high in mercury content
How come pregnant woman are told not to eat fish??
I actually just read this article the other day and thought it was very helpful: (sorry i had to paste, it was an email so i didn’t have a link for it) There is a food that some pregnant women know to avoid, but not many women who are tryin…
Why is liver not good to eat by a pregnant woman??
Of all the foods that pregnant women are cautioned not to eat, I have never heard of liver being one of them. Organ meats are always especially good for you, being high in iron and B vitamins. If there is a specific reason why your doctor t…

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What type/kind fish that are safe for pregnant women to eat?
Q: Am an island girl from palau…that’s in the pacific island…i love eating fish and any kind of seafood. I see allot of women who are pregnant eat differ kind of fish & it’s healthy ocean fish/seafood. Here in america there type fish we can’t or could eat. Am now an first time mom and so i heard that there are fish that i have to be careful to eat, any type of fish…fact: pregnant women should not eating raw fish any seafood when pregnant…
A: Certain fish — mostly big, top-of-the-food chain types — contain high levels of mercury, which isn’t good for anyone’s health (pregnant or not), but they can be particularly harmful to a developing baby’s nervous system, lungs, kidneys, vision, and hearing. On the Do-Not-Eat list: shark, swordfish, tilefish, king mackerel, orange roughy, grouper, tuna steaks, saltwater bass, and canned solid white albacore tuna (which is bigger, and has therefore more mercury than the smaller tunas used in the kind labeled “chunk light”), according to Redfern.Bottom line: Steer clear of high-mercury fish, but don’t give up seafood entirely. Many varieties, like salmon, herring, and sardines, contain heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids including DHA, which research shows may boost fetal brain development. In fact, one recent study found that nearly 75 percent of pregnant women may not be eating enough low-mercury fish during pregnancy.You should aim for up to 12 ounces a week (or about two generous servings) of these “safe fish” — including salmon, shrimp, haddock, cod, catfish, flounder, sole, tilapia, and scallops. If you love tuna fish sandwiches, you can still eat the canned light kind once a week (about three to six ounces). Oh, and needless to say, we’re talking about cooked fish here
What take away food can pregnant women eat?
Q: Ok, I’ve read all the things pregnant women are not supposed to eat, but I can’t figure out what take away food they CAN eat. It seems pretty much everything has salad, cheese, deli meats, raw fish and/or have been sitting on a counter for a few hours. Any practical tips out there?
A: Well don’t go for boring American all the time. Try Indian, if your stomach can handle the spices. It’s GREAT for pregnant women. Baked tandoori chicken, whole wheat flat breads, plenty of veggie dishes, and the dal is REALLY good for you (pulses, fiber, so on).Chinese is great too. Just don’t get deep fried.Pastas (no cream sauces) and pizzas with not alot of meat is great as well. There is plenty! Try getting the book “What to eat when you’re expecting”. SO helpful.Edit: From delis, get egg sandwiches that have been in a “fridge” or chicken sandwiches.And sushi is fine and tempura, just don’t get sushi with fish. Get it with egg, sweet tofu, cucumber, so on. And the one with a little mayo and cooked crabmeat is great.
What on Earth is safe for a pregnant woman to eat?
Q: They tell you not to eat eggs, unless they are fried hard as a rubber tire. They tell you not to eat all the best cheese, the good creamy fresh unpasteurized kind.They tell you eating a deli sandwich is bad. There are even bugs in deli meat it seems.They tell you you can’t have soufflees and meriunges…back to the egg thing.Seems all pregnant people can do is eat boxed crap and drink the camels share of H2O they want us to consume each day. I ate all of the above stuff with my last two, and they are just fine and so am I. Do they come out with new pregnancy food blacklists every year or something?What are you eating?I had two over medium fried eggs today, cold chicken leftover from last night, rice, kefir, and Korean hot pepper paste all over my rice and egg. I am such a bad, bad terrible person!! (lol)
A: Its ridiculous, it seems like everyday they come up with something new that ‘you shouldn’t do’ while being pregnant. My mother ate deli meat, eggs, seafood and her doctor told her that she could smoke up to 10 cigarettes a day while she was pregnant with my brother and I, we both turned out just fine. My doctor told me everything in moderation is fine except smoking and alcohol. Just use your best judgement, don’t eat meats or eggs that have been sitting around too long or smell bad. Check expiration dates. And don’t go crazy with eating too much of anything, eat varieties of healthy foods. You’ll see that your baby will be just fine!
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