What can cause a false pregnancy

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Psychologists believe that women who experience false pregnancy have an extremely strong desire to be pregnant and experience MORE [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-can-cause-a-false-pregnancy ]
More Answers to “What can cause a false pregnancy
What Causes False Pregnancy?
Doctors have been aware of pseudocyesis for centuries, but only recently have they begun to understand the psychological and physical issues that are at the root of the condition. Although the exact causes still aren’t known, doctors susp…
Does the pill cause a false positive on pregnancy tests?
The contraceptive pill would not make a pregnancy test have a positive result. It doesn’t contain the right hormones. Thanks!
What can cause a false positive pregnancy test?
There are a few different reasons you may have gotten a false positive pregnancy test, which include chemical pregnancy, missed reaction time, chemical interference, and evaporation lines. If you feel you may still be pregnant, you can alwa…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What can cause pregnancy test to give a false positive? We never have intercourse yet she tested two times..?
Q: and it say that she is positive twice. Is there any sickness or conditions that could cause this positive to be false? She is 20. Thank you for the help.
A: False positive results can result from diseases like choriocarcinomas, IgA deficiencies, heterophile antibodies, enterocystoplasties, gestational trophoblastic diseases (GTD), gestational trophoblastic neoplasms (GTN), and testicular germ cell malignancies. Also, many home pregnancy tests show a positive or unclear result when read well after the suggested 3-5 minute window, independent of an actual pregnancy; this type of false positive is also known as an evaporation line. Additionally anyone who has been given an hCG injection would also give a false positive.Some individuals react to some substrate in the test and thus will display a consistently low positive blood pregnancy test even though they are not pregnant. This phantom hCG may lead to serious misdiagnosis and intervention, but can be detected with serial dilutions. Patients with phantom hCG have a positive blood hCG but a negative urine hCG test
What can cause a false positive pregnancy test?
Q: What factors can cause a false positive pregnancy test and how common are false positives?
A: Like the other person said but also people who are taking fertility drugs to get pregnant could get a false positive.
What can cause a pregnancy test to give a false negative?
Q: besides you not being pregnant and the test being bad what are some other things that might show a false negative on a pregnancy test?can smoking ciggs have anything to do with it i dont think they doi know things like testing to early or peeing to much or too little and not using morning pee but what elsesoo smoking can mess up a test?
A: smoking will not affect your test in any way, shape or form. Not a good idea, but will not give you a false neg.The only thing that will affect it is a) the test could be flawed (rare, but it happens) or b) you did not wait long enough after your last period to test so your hcG levels aren’t high enough.
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