What happens if you get appendicitis when you are pregnant

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If a woman has appendicitis during pregnancy, surgical removal is advised, because a ruptured appendix could cause serious issues. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-happens-if-you-get-appendicitis-when-you-are-pregnant ]
More Answers to “What happens if you get appendicitis when you are pregnant
Can you get pregnant after having had appendicitis?
No, unless you had sex around the time you were ovulating.
What happens if a pregnant woman gets appendicitis??
They operate, because if they don’t mom will die. Some anesthetics are safe during pregnancy. But in some cases the stress of surgery causes a miscarriage. “QUESTION A 26-year-old patient in our clinic, who was 18 weeks pregnant at t…
What would happen if a pregnant woman suddenly got appendicitis??
The doctors would most likely try to treat it with medicine before surgery. The pregnant woman would be admitted and checked to make sure the appendix hasn’t ruptured or isn’t about to rupture. If it is, they can do surgery, though they wou…

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Appendicitis, Ectopic Pregnancy or Ovarian Cysts?
Q: I’m going to start from the beginning with this one as it confuses me never mind anyone else! It is quite a few questions really! I’ll understand if you can’t be bothered to read it all – I’m just stressing a bit!My period was due 6 days ago but the day before I was in agony – I had a stitch like pain all over my abdomen (from under my breasts to the top of my legs). It was a constant pain for about 24 hours then it started to ease off. During this 24 hours I called my doctor and made an appointment. I got one for the next day.When I went in the next day the pain had subsided but it was still pretty painful so the doctor examined me. She prodded around in my stomach and it really hurt when she pressed down on my lower right abdomen. She thought it could be appendicitis or ectopic pregnancy. She did a pregnancy test and that came back negative so she sent me to hospital.I arrived at the hospital and after the usual 2 and half hour wait I was seen by a surgeon who said because the pain had subsided he thought he may have been an ovarian cyst that burst causing the pain and now my body was reabsorbing the fluid. Which makes sense.But I’m still worried. My period still hasn’t turned up and I’m still waiting for the doctor’s to ring to arrange a scan (to check for more ovarian cysts), I’m also still in agony (not as bad as when it started but it still bloody hurts). I’m taking four lots of paracetamol a day (my limit) and it doesn’t touch the pain! It’s always there! Also, my friend just found out she was 12 weeks pregnant and she’s been getting false negatives for 8 weeks of that pregnancy. She got our other friend to do a pregnancy test (she’s 8 months pregnant) and (to her shock) that also came back negative. I’ve also had the following syptoms;No period pain – or period – just the weird stitch like painNausea – constantlyDizzy SpellsEnhanced Smell – I can smell stuff better than anyone around me – been told it’s a sign of pregnancyTired all the time! I’m sleeping almost 12 hours a night and I’m still knackered! Crying/Emotional for no reasonConstipation – I haven’t been since before period was dueCovered in spots – usually spot freeHeadaches – think this is because I’m so tiredBackache – but I do suffer from this sometimes anywaySore/Tender Breasts – somedays my nipples are so sore I can’t touch themDreams of pregnancy – I think this is because I’m hoping I amCraving sweet things – I’m a savoury kinda girl!So my questions are;I’ve heard that ovarian cysts can effect you fertility. Is this correct?The test at the doctors was negative but could I still be pregnant?If I am pregnant could it be ectopic? Is this why I’m in pain?I’m taking a lot of paracetamol should I cut down until I have a positive or negative pregnancy result?Will the scan show up the pregnancy? They’ll be looking for ovarian cysts not preganancy.I’m taking folic acid everyday (have been since we started trying) could this be what’s causing the pain?I guess I just want some reassurance really. My partner and I have been trying for a baby but we’ve said when it happens it happens. I know stressing about it won’t help either! Anyone got any advice to calm my nerves before I get the results of my scan? I’m calling the doctor today to try and sort out my appointment. I think I’m also going to do a home pregnancy test – probably tomorrow morning – to put my mind at ease!Thanks in advance!I’m going to phone the doctor’s later and find out if I can have a blood test to check. But until then I’ll pop to the chemist and get a home pregnancy test to double check in the morning! My friend (who is 12 weeks) said her blood test came back that she had something wrong with one of her hormone’s but wasn’t pregnant – then she found out she was. Is that possible??
A: Q.1 Yes, ovarian cysts can affect fertilty, they produce a lot of hormones found in pregnancy, but obviously not hcg, which a hpt looks for.Q.2 Yes, you could still be pregnant. Hcg levels do not increase the same way in an ectopic pregnancy as in a normal pregnancy. When i had my ectopic i went between faint positives and negatives all the time. The doctor needs to do a Beta hcg reading from a blood test to detect hcg in an ectopic. they will rise and fall and that should be monitired as part of diagnosis.Q.3 Yes, you have a lot of symptoms of ectopic pregnancy. My pain came and went, it wasnt constant, and that’s how mine was missed. I didnt tick the correct symptom boxes. It was my blood levels gave it away. However, you havent had a positive hpt at all have you? Only a blood test will tell.Q.4 Consult your GP. you should be fine with paracetamal, but if you are in that much pain, you need to be re-seen.Q.5 No, an ectopic pregnancy will not show up in a scan unless it is being specifically searche for. even then it can be missed. Ectopic means ouside of the womb. When a scan is done when a woman is known to be pregnant and has these symptoms it is used to detect a faltering pregnancy inside the womb. It rules it out, it dosent detect it. If the pregnancy is located in a fallopian tube or beside the ovary it is very difficult to spot. Remember this isnt, never was and is never going to be a baby. It’s a mass of cells and may present itself as a small bulge in the tube, or not be detectable at all. An ovarian cyst can be detected this way, but then they are very very common in early pregnancy anyway, as that particular ovary has all the work to do producing the hormones your body needs to maintain a healthy pregnancy.A healthy pregnancy at this stage will show up in the scan, but if your urine hcg level is reading as negative then it isnt likely to be seen. An egg sac can be seen anywhere between 4 and 5 weeks. It may just appear as a black circle in the womb lining, so they wont confirm pregnancy but can let you know pregnancy is likely.Q.6 No, folic acid would not be affecting you like this, it is naturally found in many many food stuffs..What you have described above, arriving at the hospital and then the pain subsiding happened to me. It was an ectopic pregnancy. It wasnt detected until 6 weeks and 3 days. Which is really far on, i’m a very very lucky girl. you need to get your bloods monitored, this is the best way to detect. In my opinion you need to get a second opinion or do something today. Ectopic pregnancy is a life threatening condition. If you think you have one you need checked out. Urgently. Have any beta hcg’s been done?Edit: If you have had beta hcg done and it read negative this couldnt possibly be an ectopic. you will ALWAYS get a positive blood result. If you havent had one done, just ask.Edit: your friend at 12 weeks? Yeah, i guess so. no lab is infallable. they could have read her other bloods as increased progesterone etc but misread her hcg levels. They go into different blood vials and are seen by different technicians, the results are loaded at different times on to a computer and then can be read by the hospital. My hcg results were always back in about 2 hrs. Other hormones were a few days. Mistakes can happen. If she is 12 weeks she will be having her first scan etc and all must be well..
Please for any mothers who have had pregnancies when tubes were tied,read my story!!Need help!Going crazy!:S?
Q: So,this is my low down of my recent story.I am a mother of a 12yr.old son and a 5 yr.old daughter.I had my tubes tied in Jan.2004, two months after my daughter’s birth.I had my last period that started very weird for me.Two days prior, I spotted brownish color thinking okay,my period is coming but usually I start off red.(Sorry for detailing but this may help me)then my period commenced somewhat slowly on Aug.15th and lasted about 2 days.Then that Monday night the pain I was getting in my lower back was immense.I couldn’t go into work the next day.I usually cramp and bloat like anyone else but the lower back pain was harsh.Once Tuesday was here of that week,when I was done my aunt flo,I mainly get one day of remaining left period (liner) and good to go.My periods lasts lately 3-4 days only but this was different.For 3-4 after I was done, I was spotting brown again but only when I wiped after I peed,nothing on my liner.Then all these things were happening to me incl.the lower back pain that hasn’t gone away yet.I got pinching in the pelvic( lower area too) at times sharp like someones stabbed me.Then nausea kicked in,fatigue and light headiness at times.I have been napping every day as I was off work for a week by my doctor because of all the tests and symptoms I have been getting.I feel bloated most of the time,a few times constipated but nothing major.I had a few days of vomiting and sometimes I can hold back but feel queasy if I do.One day,it was 3 times and I have no flu either.I recently feel my breasts heavy and sensitive but not overly.Nipples tender somewhat to the touch too.I went for blood work,urine samples all with my own Family Doctor and because all came back for no infections,etc.She examined me and found my uterus,bladder area sensitive,keeping in mind,no kidney stones,appendicitis,U.T.I.(which I had once and know what that is! Ouchies!) and peeing at times more excessive than normal.The doctor even checked a bowel test,etc.EVERYTHING is OKAY.The ultrasound shown nothing at all and ovaries are fine too.They can’t detect if tubes were still tied by the ultrasound to what she told me that they can’t.She is stomped right now and I think the ultrasound was too early to determine if I am pregnant if that’s the case.My next period is due around the 10-12th of Sept.I have usually a 26 day cycle.I am lost and confused beyond belief.I’ve heard stories about having tubes tied over a period of time can open the clamp.I did 3 HPT but negative and aware it may be too soon.My son took 5 weeks after my missed period after a false blood test too.My daughter was positive HPT the day after my missed period.I need some guidance and info. that anyone can possibly find for this situation regarding possible pregnancy after tubes been tied.I can’t find a good websites anywhere about this.I know it’s best I have to wait on if I miss my period but all my symptoms were sudden and point to this but scared too.My b.f. is pumped cause he’s got no kids but my own if I am prego and sees all what I am going through and knows I am not myself.Can anyone help with this matter please. I am seriously stomped especially since all my tests were fine to rule out any infections,etc.My Dr. said if worsen that I can keep going to get more blood work,urine tests but it’s getting silly.I think she was really baffled about this and told me obviously to avoid any alcohol and take tylenol for pain till this is resolved.I always missed my period for my first two kids and never felt this drained out and my b.f. brothers are twins too.Can this be a high probability as well??Please any advise would be helpful from any mothers or people you know may have similarities to what I am going through.One thing is for sure a woman knows her body and I am definitely not the same at all since then.Thanks!
A: i am the product of a woman with tied tubes. so no its not effective. i would continue to test, because if you are pregnant, the longer you go without knowing the more at risk you are for the fetus to damage something. Not that you’re worried about being fertile any more, but i hear an eptopic pregnancy can be quite painful. if you feel any really sharp pains i would go to the ER.
I’ve been getting really sick for about a week now, but ONLY at night. Help me figure it out!?
Q: For the past week I’ve been having an upset stomach: nausea, diarrhea, horrible stomach cramps, and vomiting yellow/clear bile. The thing is, it only happens at night, between midnight and 4 am. I’m also abnormally tired during the day. I recently began having light brown vaginal discharge, and while it may just be breakthrough bleeding (I use birth control to skip my periods a lot), it does worry me because it hasn’t happened before, and I’ve been on this pill a few months now. I was hospitalized a couple months ago (just before I started the pill) with uncontrollable vomiting, extreme abdominal pain, fever/chills, and fatigue/feeling like I was going to faint. At first the doctors thought it was appendicitis, but then when they found out I was on my period, they decided it was “period pain” and sent me home with some Motrin. (Wtf.)Anyway, since then I’ve had less serious and painful but still extremely similar bouts of that, which I’ve been researching. Dysmenorrhea (extremely painful periods that often make you sick) sounds like the problem, especially if this discharge IS “breaktthrough bleeding.” If that’s the case, I’m not worried; nothing new birth control won’t solve.HOWEVER…my roommate’s mom had a shot of appendicitis when she was my age, it went away, she experienced slight symptoms now and then, like I am now, and then suddenly, years and years down the line, her appendix ruptured. Apparently that can be very gradual, and you can feel symptoms beginning years ahead of time.There’s also a possibility I could be pregnant. Slight, but still a possibility. I took one test a while ago and it was negative, but it was really early. I’m worried the discharge’s color could actually be implantation bleeding, and as for the getting sick and fatigue and whatnot, some women experience those symptoms just DAYS after conceiving. My other thought would be food poisoning, but why only at night, and why for an entire week?So my possibilities, to my knowledge, are dysmenorrhea, appendicitis, or pregnancy.Additional information: I’m 19, almost 20. I’m on Apri, a generic for Desogen 28. I take vitamins, including 1200 to 1800 mg of n-acetyl cysteine, a sulfuric amino acid that, in this current dosage, is supposed to help with compulsive hairpulling, which I also have. I’ve heard that this dosage can cause kidney stones or liver problems if you don’t supplement it with enough Vitamin C, so even though I’ve tried balancing the two, maybe I could have problems there too? Also I was born 3 months premature and have an unrelated heart condition (I know, I sound like such a winner having all this crap wrong with me hahaha).PLEASE let me know if you’ve experience any of these symptoms and what your outcome was!
A: i had the same problem they thought i had dysmenorrhea but i wasen’t on my period and they sent me home with apo-naproxen, but it didn’t work, my doctor thought it was appendicitis or ovarian cysts, but they didn’t see anything on the x-ray and ultrasound than i had a bloodtest where they checked for chron’s disease in a blood test, but still no luck. i don’t take any medication, but i have these horrible pains also in my chest, breasts and sides it feels like a stabbing pain, but they only started coming 3 months after the pain started-they just dismissed me and told me to take advil, talk to your doctor about something that may cause those symptoms that doesn’t involve any of the organs in your abdomen-i know a lot of people who have had the same problem, and did the same things, but the doctors just sent them home cuz they couldn’t figure it out..
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