What is another word for pregnant

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Other words for ‘pregnant’ are carrying a child, expectant, expecting, gestating, in a family way,preggers, and with child. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-another-word-for-pregnant ]
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What is another word for pregnant?

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Different meaning to the word “pregnant”?
Q: ok, does anyone know if there is another definition for the word pregnant (other then having a child in you) that may have been used in the late 1800’s – early 1900’s. I basically want to know what the word might have meant if used in the time frame from 1860 – around 1930. can you PLEASE help me?
A: 1. Carrying developing offspring within the body. 2. 1. Weighty or significant; full of meaning: a conversation occasionally punctuated by pregnant pauses. 2. Of great or potentially great import, implication, or moment: “It was a politically pregnant time in Poland” (New York). 3. Filled or fraught; replete: “This was, from the Party’s point of view, both deplorable in itself and pregnant with danger for the future” (Robert Conquest). 4. Having a profusion of ideas; creative or inventive. 5. Producing results; fruitful: a pregnant decision.http://www.answers.com/pregnant1. having a child or other offspring developing in the body; with child or young, as a woman or female mammal.2. fraught, filled, or abounding (usually fol. by with): a silence pregnant with suspense.3. teeming or fertile; rich (often fol. by in): a mind pregnant in ideas.4. full of meaning; highly significant: a pregnant utterance.5. of great importance or potential; momentous: a pregnant moment in the history of the world.http://dictionary.infoplease.com/pregnant1. carrying offspring within body: carrying unborn offspring inside the body2. significant: full of meaning or importanceAfter a pregnant pause, the general began briefing the media on the surprise attack.3. full of something: pervaded by something, usually something intangibleThe tense, quiet operations center was pregnant with anxiety and dread.4. creative: full of creative powerthe child’s pregnant imagination5. productive: producing a lot of useful resultsIt was a pregnant endeavor, yielding much experience, information, and help.http://encarta.msn.com/encnet/features/dictionary/DictionaryResults.aspx?refid=1861737293 1. (not comparable) Carrying developing offspring within the body. 2. (comparable) Having many possibilities or implications. * (carrying developing offspring): o (standard): expecting, expecting a baby, expectant, gravid (of animals only), with child, fertilized o (colloquial/slang): eating for two, having a bun in the oven, in the family way, knocked up, up the duff o (euphemistic): in an interesting condition, in the family way * (having many possibilities or implications): meaningful, significanthttp://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Pregnant1. Carrying developing offspring within the body or being about to produce new life.2. Rich in significance or implication; “a meaning look”; “pregnant with meaning”.3. Filled with or attended with; “words fraught with meaning”; “an incident fraught with danger”; “a silence pregnant with suspense”.
What is another word or saying for?
Q: Pregnant?
A: Biscuit in the basket.
what does the word “fixed” mean in pregnancy?
Q: is there another word for it? or what does it mean?i’m not pregnant by the way
A: During pregnancy fetus in the uterus is in your big pelvis.Usually after the 7th.month of pregnancy the part of the fetus that is presenting moves into your small pelvis.Since this part of pelvis is not large the presenting part of the fetus is stabilized and is called to be fixed.
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