What is the best way to tell someone you are pregnant

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You can show them the pregnancy test. That’s always a good way. Good luck! Thanks for asking ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-way-to-tell-someone-you-are-pregnant ]
More Answers to “What is the best way to tell someone you are pregnant
What is the best way to tell someone you are pregnant
You can show them the pregnancy test. That’s always a good way. Good luck! Thanks for asking ChaCha!
What is the best way to tell someone who has had a miscarriage th…?
congratulations …how tough…it happened to me with my sister to…she lost a baby and 1 mth later i was pregnant…you really shouldnt feel guilty for being pregnant…not like youve done it on purpose…i would take her out for the day …

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Q: Yesterday at work, a good-intentioned coworker asked me if I was pregnant(I’m not…but I’ve really been wanting to have kids for a while now). When I asked her where she heard that from, she said that she didn’t hear anything about me, but saw that I had a bump(aka a round fat belly). I could tell from her friendly, excited tone of voice that she wasn’t trying to hurt me, just innocently mistaken. :(I was slighted, because 1, I realize I’m getting fat and my stomach is the body part I’m most self-conscientious about. And 2, pregnancy is a VERY sensitive subject for me. I was underestimated, misjudged, and told to get an abortion ~2yrs ago when I really was pregnant(later miscarried)…I felt even more slighted when I saw a boatload of people no older or more responsible than myself, get pregnant but get congrats + support from the same people that saw me as incapable. Since then I’ve really wanted to have a baby, because I really do think I’m ready on the contrary to what those people thought. So those two things put together have made me very sensitive to anything baby related, esp if it verifies my own insecurities about my newly expanding waistline.I was hurt, but didn’t want to look like a loser by admitting I was just fat. How should I have reacted to this? :(I’m surprised nobody said it’d be best to just play along. I ended up just saying “yes, I’m 2.5 months along, but let’s keep that between us” to save face(dishonest I know). Here’s why:1. I’m hoping to get pregnant, and I’m tired of people asking me if I am yet2. Although the girl asked me quietly, she asked me in the middle of the workfloor at a cocktail bar we work at…a few customers heard…and I knew it’d hurt my tips more to admit I was just belly fat, than to claim I was expecting3. the customers at this cocktail bar can be royal a.holes at times, so I didn’t need them taunting me about looking preggers when I was just fat4. I’m hoping to leave that job soon for a different waitressing job (let’s just say management screwed me over big time then threatened to fire me when I tried to stand up for myself…the workplace is overall shady but that’s what happens when you work at that type of establishment I guess)Yeh I’m spineless for lying but I was hurt 🙁
A: Obviously no one taught her that unless a pregnancy announcement is given, you don’t assume anyone is pregnant until you can see the head crowning.Your response should have been a cold smile and “no, I’m not” and small nods without eye contact should she profess an apology, to signal the conversation is over.
What’s the best way to ask someone…?
Q: I want to start a new weight-loss program that includes nutritional drinks and supplements, but I don’t want to do it alone. I’ve been told the buddy system works better, that it keeps you more motivated. So I asked my fiance, but somehow managed to insult him because he seems to be taking it that I have a problem with HIS weight, and that’s not it at all. We ARE both overweight and it would do more help than harm for both of us to lose the extra pounds and inches, but that’s not why I’m asking him. I just want him to be my “buddy” and maybe enjoy the benefits if we both start seeing results. Can anyone tell me a better way to approach him so that I don’t insult him? I would ask my mom, but she doesn’t need to lose weight, and my best friend is pregnant right now, so she can’t be on a diet or weight-loss program. Only helpful answers pleeez..no rude comments or snide remarks. Thanks! 🙂
A: Just be honest with him. Tell him you need his support and help. Tell him you think that you will actually stick to exercising and dieting if you had a buddy to do it with. And what better way to spend some time together. Its either him or you finding someone else and being away from him an extra 2 hours a day. Just remind him that if he goes with you that he can make sure no one else is hitting on you. Maybe jealousy will get him going.
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