What is the best way to tell your parents you might be pregnant

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Practice what to say in advance, and think about how you’re going to answer the questions she is likely to ask. Pick a calm..MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-way-to-tell-your-parents-you-might-be-pregnant ]
More Answers to “What is the best way to tell your parents you might be pregnant
What is the best way to tell your parent your girlfriend might be…?
HMMM staight up just tell them. Depends. Are you super young? Unmarried? Are they strict? Do you think they will react badly… Need a little more info. If you are happy about it, tell them like you are happy about it. If its good new …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the best way to tell your parents you’re pregnant?
Q: My friend is 16, her boyfriend is 18. Only a few of her friends know they are having sex. Recently we think she might be pregnant. Her parents are really mean to her anyways. They would flip out if they knew she was pregnant. We’re not for sure if she is yet, but what way would be the best to tell her parents that she is pregnant without her getting hurt?
A: First let her take a test …there will not be any best way to tell her parents…she will just have to tell them maybe one of you can go with her to ease the tension and kinda help her feel better tell her good luck hope everything turns out ok
How would -you- tell your parents that you’re pregnant…if you were like, fifteen? Fourteen? Even thirteen xD?
Q: I have no idea how I would…maybe kinda tell my mom that I missed?Haha, extremely bored and wondering what you’d do.It’d be scary o.o Oh, and would you keep the baby? Adoption? (God, please no) abortion?I’d keep it. I think of it this way. First off, abortion is like, getting rid of a life that could have been. That that little guy in there could have changed the world somehow. That you’re refusing a gift from God. Even though you are thirteen/fourteen/fifteen. And with adoption, I’d be scared to know how those other people are raising my own child. Even though, it -might- be best … but still, there are possibilities, and that could be the case. (That they’re not raising him/her up well…)How would you tell your parents?Abortion? Adoption? Keep him/her?And what would you name him/her?Haha, awaiting your replies xDOH! Also, how would you tell your boyfriend…that would, too, be scary…do you think he’d be mad/happy/scared/or would he just LEAVE? That would suck…
A: I’d be like “But I’m not even a girl!”
if your best friend is pregnant should you tell her parents for her?
Q: my friend is really pregnant and she to scared to tell her parents. but is right to keep it a secret from her parents. i’ve been telling her to tell her parents but she scared about what they might think of her. p.s the girl really is my friend and its not me no way.
A: No, let her do it. They will eventually find out.
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