What is the chance of getting pregnant while using a condom

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Condoms are 95% effective only if they are used properly. Thanks for asking ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-chance-of-getting-pregnant-while-using-a-condom ]
More Answers to “What is the chance of getting pregnant while using a condom
What are the chance of getting pregnant while using a condom??
Take a home test to ease your mind; having the answer will take some strain off of you for one thing. If you stress about being pregnant you can cause your body to skip your period. Since condom effectiveness varies from brand to brand and …
What are the chances of getting pregnant while on the pill but no…?
I think the statistic is about an 80% chance of you NOT getting pregnant, but I understand why you’d be worried. I had unprotected sexBuccal smear Causes of sexual dysfunction Child abuse – sexual Delayed ejaculation Erection problems Femal…
What is Chance of getting pregnant while not using a condom??
The chances of pregnancy when not using a condom depend on which stage of teh woman’s menstrual cycle she is at

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are the chance of getting pregnant while using a condom?
Q: My ex and I had sex using a condom but now i’m over 2 weeks late, cramping, sore breasts, head aches, lower back ache, and really nauseous in the morning.
A: i got pregnant using a condem . sounds like were on the same boat [ sore breasts frequent peeing headaches cramping hunger]] good luck ;]
What are the chances of getting pregnant while using a condom?
Q: Help, my friend might be pregnant… and she’s only 15! she is NOT on any birth control or anything, and it was her first time. but she used a condom. what are the chances of her being pregnant?????I agree, she is too young. but she also told me shes about two weeks late for her period…???ha ha very funny # 3… ‘friend’ yes, it is my friend. why would i lie about that? i mean, this is ALREADY annomynous, so what would be the point of lying? ohhhh got u there!
A: When a condom is used correctly it is very effective (about 97%). If your “friend” is not ready for pregnancy then she is not ready for sex!
What are the chances of getting pregnant while on the pill and using a condom?
Q: So my girlfriend and I had sex 10 days ago. She’s on the pill and takes it the same time everyday and i was using a condom but i didn’t pull out. Now she’s feeling nauseous. What is the chance that she’s pregnant?
A: Being that you used a condom is a good enough reason to know that she isn’t pregnant. (TAKE A BIG SIGH OF RELIEF) You used protection and she used birth control. If the condom didn’t break, everything is fine. If you still don’t fell OK about the situation and you want reassurance, ask her to take a pregnancy test. The chances are very slim. I’m proud of her to take her pills on time like she should. (You GO GIRL!!!)
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