What is the oldest age of the girl that got pregnant

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The oldest known mother was 70 years old and gave birth to twins! ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-oldest-age-of-the-girl-that-got-pregnant ]
More Answers to “What is the oldest age of the girl that got pregnant
What is the oldest age of the girl that got pregnant
The oldest known mother was 70 years old and gave birth to twins! ChaCha!
Can a 14 year old get a girl the same age pregnant ??
Your 14 and asking this, I thought phse was an imfortmative enough lesson. yes of course you can get her pregnant
Can a 14 year old really get a girl the same age pregnant ??
Yes young man and if I were you being a 14 year old I would focus on school and having fun not sex. Sex is a grown-ups game and your still a young man who should put sex out of your mind. You need to finish school so that you can provide fo…

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My older brother age 18, made a girl pregnant? The girl wanted my brother to pay for her abortion?
Q: The situation right now is rather complicated. My elder brother Matt went for a party, got drunk and ended having unprotected sex or orgy, I don’t really have any idea what was actually happen. He slept with a girl age 19. The girl came to him saying that she’s currently carrying his child. She wanted to go for an abortion but she needs money from my brother to get it done. My brother is not really sure whether the child is his but that is not the real problem. He do not want that child as well, but he does not have money for the abortion. The girl requested for 500 dollars. She said that she will ask our eldest brother for the money if Matt refuse to pay her.First of all, my eldest brother cannot know anything about this. No matter the child is Matt’s or not. Secondly, unprotected sex, orgy, partying, drink our family’s money, my eldest brother will kill Matt. Because my eldest brother stated clearly, in order for everything to works, nobody is allowed to use famliy’s money for booze, drug, party. By the way, I have 4 brothers and we all live with our eldest brother, Mike age 20. My father passed away years ago. Our father left few insurances for us and my eldest brother work as well. However, money is quite tight in our family cuz Mike is saving money for everyone college fund. Now Matt is asking me to borrow him some money to give it to the preggy girl. I have some money and few hundreds for this month groceries given by my eldest bro. Shall I give Matt 500, so that he can save his life.I know that she might be scamming my brother. Or my brother does not really father the unborn child. But, she brought the pregnancy test result, she is pregnant. My brother doesn’t care who is the actual father, but he doesn’t want Mike to know anything about what has happened. She will go to Mike if she can’t get the money from Matt. Matt has no choice rather than give her the money because he does not want Mike to lose his trust on him. That is the reason why he is asking me for money to give to the preggy girl.
A: Unfortunately, your brother has learned the hard way that he should always protect himself.He should buy a pregnancy test, have the girl take it and see what the results are. If it comes back that she is pregnant he has a couple of options:1. Take her to an abortion clinic and pay his half and only half….she was a willing participant and had the ability to tell him to wear a condom.2. Deny that he had anything to do with this girl and tell his brother she is some kind of crazy stalker girl who is trying to pin a pregnancy on him and hope she’ll pin it on someone else.3. Confess to his brother, apologize for being a dumb A S S and ask him for some help and advice.4. Tell the girl he’s sterile and there’s no way he could be the father and hope she moves on to the next guy.5. Tell the girl he isn’t giving her any money until he has a paternity test done (which I’m sure she won’t want to mess with since I don’t know if you can do a DNA test on an unborn child).6. If other guys had sex with this girl on or around the same time he did, tell her she’s got the wrong guy, the baby isn’t his and he’s not going to be tricked into taking responsibility for someone else’s kid.Your brother has gotten himself into a real mess and all for what? A little piece of some slut? Man, I hope your brother learns his lesson.
My older brother age 18, made a girl pregnant? The girl wanted my brother to pay for her abortion? ?
Q: The situation right now is rather complicated. My elder brother Matt went for a party, got drunk and ended having unprotected sex or orgy, I don’t really have any idea what was actually happen. He slept with a girl age 19. The girl came to him saying that she’s currently carrying his child. She wanted to go for an abortion but she needs money from my brother to get it done. My brother is not really sure whether the child is his but that is not the real problem. He do not want that child as well, but he does not have money for the abortion. The girl requested for 500 dollars. She said that she will ask our eldest brother for the money if Matt refuse to pay her.First of all, my eldest brother cannot know anything about this. No matter the child is Matt’s or not. Secondly, unprotected sex, orgy, partying, drink our family’s money, my eldest brother will kill Matt. Because my eldest brother stated clearly, in order for everything to works, nobody is allowed to use famliy’s money for booze, drug, party. By the way, I have 4 brothers and we all live with our eldest brother, Mike age 20. My father passed away years ago. Our father left few insurances for us and my eldest brother work as well. However, money is quite tight in our family cuz Mike is saving money for everyone college fund. Now Matt is asking me to borrow him some money to give it to the preggy girl. I have some money and few hundreds for this month groceries given by my eldest bro. Shall I give Matt 500, so that he can save his life.OMG guys, I know that she might be scamming my brother. Or my brother does not really father the unborn child. But, she brought the pregnancy test result, she is pregnant. My brother doesn’t care who is the actual father, but he doesn’t want Mike to know anything about what had happend. She will go to Mike if she can’t get the money from Matt. Matt has no choice than give her the money because he does not want Mike to lose his trust on him. That is the reason why he is asking me for money to give to the preggy girl.
A: This girl sounds really horrible, especially if shes willing to ask your eldest brother for the money. Even if it is Matt’s child its not all his responsibility to pay for it. It took both of them to get into this mess. Maybe they could talk about it and work something out.Also where i come from it doesnt cost that much to get an abortion so she may be scamming him.Goodluck.
Is it ok for me to cut all connections to my younger brother because he got a girl pregnant at the age of 15?
Q: Im 19 years old turning 20 in January, I have always tried to set an example in my family and I know it sounds stupid but I have maintained myself pure for when I get married. My younger brother who just turned 15 this past july is started dating a girl who is older than him for about 6 months. Now the girl is pregnant and it is a dissapointment and I dont want to have anything to do with this situation. Ive never been more upset and I know it hurts my parents that I dont talk to my brother but I cant tand the stupidity he did because he wanted a 2 second pleasure… this girl is nothing but scum and her family is too…. they are the worst of the worst what should I do?
A: Not to be rude, but your brother is not the worst of the worst right now, and his girlfriend is not the scum of the family now; you are. You are being childish and selfish, simply because your brother did not make the best choice in life. Nobody is perfect, and you have to realize that. I know you’re disappointed in him, but you do have to realize that every family member is different. Some do not wait until they’re married to have sexual relationships with someone. Some, like you, do. As a family member, you have to realize that your family is going to be VERY different from you in very many ways, and your siblings are not going to make the same decisions that you do, because everyone is different. You can cut off connections with him, but you will only be making yourself look bad, and you will only be hurting your family, and your brother, in the long run. He needs his older sister more than ever now, and imagine how he, and even your family, must feel, as his sister is being crass and egocentric, simply because he didn’t go down the same road as she did. You really need to think long and hard about whether or not you really want to stop talking to your brother entirely for a mistake he made, and whether or not you want to lose your relationship with your brother simply because he’s different than you, and until you do that, I’m not telling you don’t cut off connections with him. I’m letting you decide, because you’re nineteen; you can make these decisions on your own.All the best ♥
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