What is the story of hercules

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Zeus fell in love with a beautiful Greek woman named Alcmene. Zeus made her pregnant. This made Hera so angry that she tried MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-story-of-hercules ]
More Answers to “What is the story of hercules
What is a interesting story about hercules?
The Cretan Bull was his seventh labor. Long before a king was going to sacrifice cattle for the god Poseidon and he prayed for an animal worthy enough to sacrifice for him. Therefore Poseidon sent a snow white bull. But seeing his beauty th…
What is disney hercules story?
The film follows the tales of Hercules, narrated by the Muses. They explain in the prologue that the world was terrorised by the Titans, until they were sealed away by Zeus. This leads to the birth of baby Hercules to Zeus and his wife Hera…
Does anyone know the story of hercules?
Well you see it starts with this guy named Amphitryon. He’s the (nominal) subject of a Roman Comedy by Plautus which is based on an older Greek comedy. Amphitryon was married to Alcmene. In fact they eloped. She really, and I mean REALLY du…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the story of Hercules called?
Q: Like how the story of Odysseus is called the Odyssey, what epic book or poem is the story of Hercules?
A: Hercules is the Roman name for the mythical Greek hero Heracles, son of Zeus and the mortal Alcmena.there is not a specific “epic book or poem” as in Odysseus case.more about him here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hercules
Is Meg in the Hercules story?
Q: I know Meg is in the movie but what about the story of Hercules. For example a published book that was before the Disney movie?
A: Yeah she is part of Greek mythology she is the daughter of Creon, Hercules marries her and she has 2 of his children. When Hera makes Hercules insane he kills both children and in some myths also Megara, it seems to vary. Not very Disney though lol, but most myths are not Disney friendly.
Need help with Hercules!!!?
Q: I need some help with these questions from the mythology story “Hercules” If you could help I would really appreciate it!1.) What was a weapon of Hercules that started with a “U”2.) What was the three-headed dog that the guards the gate to Hades?3.) The god who helped Hercules get the apples of Herperides4.) Something that was found at Delphi Even if you know the answer to only one of them please tell me! I am so confused on this story and I appreciate the help! ~Emily~ 🙂
A: 1. Hercules is usually depicted wielding a club but that does not star with a U.2. The guardian two headed dog at the gates of Hades was the Cerberus.3. Hercules tricked Atlas (holding the world) to help him get the apples.4. At Delphi Hercules visited the Oracle that told him of his penance.
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