What is the teen pregnancy rate in America

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The US has the highest teen pregnancy rate in the world. The CDC says that 1/3 of girls get pregnant before the age of 20. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-teen-pregnancy-rate-in-america ]
More Answers to “What is the teen pregnancy rate in America
Why do YOU think America’s teen pregnancy rate is so high??
It’s caused from all American children only being told about sex, by their non sexually educated parents or family members. Who too were never taught, family planning safe sex education at school. Who all support Puritan and Calvinists abst…
What does Teen Pregnancy Rate Being 4X higher in America than Eur…?
That we have more blacks and they reproduce like rabbits.
Why does America have the highest rate of teen pregnancies??
Ingrid, The reason is this. In America many states don’t like the idea of sexual education. Their are some religious groups that try to take it out of school. They wish to only teach abstinence. For this reason most kids here do not know ab…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why the highest teens pregnancy rate is in America?
Q: What makes girls to do it? Why they start from 13-15? Megan, we dont have this lesson in russian schools ether, but we dont have pregnant teens. Unless woman r married, then.P_YR_OM, agree.
A: In America it seems that your not part of the in crowd if you don’t give it up. We have lost our morals our pride, our meaning of family and extended family. The people do not always get to decide whats best for them. The Supreme Courts seem to think that they have the right to decide thatOf the people and for the people and by the people is how it should be
Why does America have the highest rate of teen pregnancies?
Q: I am from Sweden. I read America has the highest rate of teenage pregnancies, and every time I look on this site there are girls who are 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, etc..saying that they got pregnant…what are your theories on why this is? Do the schools only teach abstinence? I don’t see this happening where I’m from. I had my daughter when I was 19, she was the result of a rape (I wont go into it) but she is the greatest thing in my life, and I have a large support system.
A: Dear Ingrid, I am so sorry to hear that you were a victim of that crime:( but I am happy that you love your daughter and did not throw her away. Regarding your question. I know it’s a sad state of affairs. I think most of the children are normally exposed to divorce on a large scale, thus they have a tendency of feeling worthless, of blaming themselves because of the divorce. As a result of which they are not taught the sanctity of marriage, they don’t know the difference between love and infatuation. Also apart from being taught abstinence in schools parents at most times forget to make time for their children and teach them abstinence at home as well. Guys take advantage of naive girls saying that if they would sleep with them that would show or prove to them that the girl really likes them. The girl because she is too young does not realize that if the guy really likes her he wouldn’t make her sell her virginity. And at times young girls even get pregnant as a result of rape. Certain religions like islam says that only if there are 4 witnesses to a rape only then it is considered as rape otherwise it’s not. Thus since so many muslims are staying in America, many girls are being raped even in South Africa where there are many muslims there also many girls are being raped.By the way is the child in the picture your daughter Arianna ? I must say she looks very sweet.I hope I have been of some help to you. Hugs to her and you 🙂
How is that abstinence only policy working for you America? Is this one of the great achievements of Mr Bush?
Q: After falling steadily for more than a decade, the birth rate for American teenagers jumped last year, federal health officials reported yesterday, a sharp reversal in what has been one of the nation’s most celebrated social and public health successes”The United States is facing a teen-pregnancy health-care crisis, and the national policy of abstinence-only programs just isn’t working,” said Cecile Richard, president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America. “It is time for everyone who cares about teenagers to start focusing on the common-sense solutions that will help solve this problem.” http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/12/05/AR2007120501208.html?hpid=topnewsTake into consideration a country like the Netherlands has the lowest teen pregnancy rate in the industrialized world. Is America ready to change to common sense or is the religous right just too strong?
A: Congress just passed an initiative to give more money to absintence only programs. We have this weird philosophy that if we educate our kids regarding sexual health it means they’ll go out and become promiscous heathens.I was taught from age 3 onward age appriopriate knowledge about sex and what should and should not happen to a young girl/woman. It was a precaution in case something happened that I would have the vocabularly to stop it or at least tell someone. It also allowed me to be confident in myself when it came to decisions later on in life and I was able to make better decisions than a lot of my friends whose parents had not been such open educators.Not only does teen pregnancy rise, but also STDs ranging from HPV to HIV. Many children also believe that as long as it is not traditional sex, it’s thus not sex, which is wrong. We need to have comprehensive education that ranges from abstience to correct sexual health. That is the most moral solution.
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