What time of the month is a woman most fertile

Health related question in topics Biology Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “What time of the month is a woman most fertile”,you can compare them.

A woman is most fertile during ovulation, which usually takes place about 14 days after the beginning of your menstrual cycle. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-time-of-the-month-is-a-woman-most-fertile ]
More Answers to “What time of the month is a woman most fertile
A normal ‘luteal phase’ (the time between ovulation and your period) is 10-16 days. So you could be fertile anywhere from 10 to 20 days before your period is due.
A woman is most fertile around the time of ovulation. Typical ovulation symptoms and signs include changes in cervical mucus and a small rise in basal temperature. For most women, ovulation occurs about once every month until menopause (usu…
A woman is most likely to get pregnant from 3 days before ovulation until 2-3 days after ovulation. The time of month varies.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What time of the month are women most fertile?
Q: Can anyone tell me what time of the month women are most fertile? For example, if a woman had her last period from 14-18 of November, then when will she be most fertile?
A: You are most fertile when you are ovulating and if you have a pretty regular cycle then that would be two weeks after your last period. they say 14 days after the first day of your last period is the day you should be ovulating and that is when you would be the most fertile. However, sperm can live inside of you for up to 3 days so i would have sex up to 3 days before to the day of and about two days after that because the egg lives generally about 24 hours once released before it starts to die so the body can rid of it for the next cycle. good luck!!!
At what time of the month is a woman most fertile?
Q: I’m curious if there is an indication, like 10 days after the period. Does anyone know this?
A: 14 days before your next period. If you have a regular 28 day cycle every month, then it is around day 14. It can come sooner or later though.
What time of the month is a woman most fertile?
Q: He didnt pull out yesterday…Im calculating my chances!!! LOL!! Thanks!
A: A normal ‘luteal phase’ (the time between ovulation and your period) is 10-16 days. So you could be fertile anywhere from 10 to 20 days before your period is due.
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