What type should I avoid while pregnant

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All energy drinks should be avoided while pregnant. If you feel like you need to take them, okay it with your doctor. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-type-should-i-avoid-while-pregnant ]
More Answers to “What type should I avoid while pregnant
What type of skin care products should I avoid while I’m pregnant…?
Keeping your skin beautiful is a top priority, especially during your pregnancy. Dr. Tara Kompare, better known as The Medicine Mom, suggests women avoid anything stronger than just a normal moisturizing lotion, especially anti-aging creams…
Which types of fish should I completely avoid during pregnancy an…?
These fish tend to be high in methylmercury and should be avoided: Shark Swordfish Tilefish King Mackerel
What types of food should I be avoiding while im pregnant??
You should avoid eating: * Raw Meat like sushi * Anything containing raw eggs like Caesar salad dressing, mayonnaise, homemade ice cream or custard, unpasteurized eggnog * Soft cheeses that may have harmful bacteria * Tuna * Deli Meats * Li…

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What type of homemade foods should you avoid while pregnant?
Q: I know to avoid homemade ice cream,and mayo.Is homemade banana nut bread one you should avoid?
A: The reason you want to avoid homemade ice cream and homemade mayo is because of the raw eggs in it.Avoid anything with raw eggs, undercooked or raw meat or soft cheese. For example: cesar salad, sushi, smoked salmon, anything with feta or bleu cheese, etc.
What type/kind of foods I should avoid while pregnant?
Q: I know about alcohol and drugs,etc.I want to know some real foods that pregnant women shouldn’t eat,or that could harm my unborn baby
A: Don’t eat:Raw meat such as sushi, seafood, rare or uncooked beef, or poultry because of the risk of contamination with coliform bacteria, toxoplasmosis, and salmonella.Raw eggs, or foods containing raw egg such as Caesar dressing, mayonnaise, homemade ice cream or custard, unpasteurized eggnog, or Hollandaise sauce because raw eggs may be contaminated with salmonella. Soft cheese such as blue cheese, feta, Brie, Camambert, and Latin-American soft white cheeses such as queso blanco and queso fresco because they may harbor harmful bacteria. Fish containing accumulated levels of mercury in their fatty tissues such as shark, swordfish, king mackerel, tilefish. When a pregnant woman consumes large amounts of mercury, her baby may suffer brain damage resulting in developmental delays (for example, delays in learning to walk or talk). Fish containing high levels of an industrial pollutant called polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in their fatty tissues such as bluefish and striped bass, and freshwater fish such as salmon, pike, trout, walleye from contaminated lakes and rivers. According to the March of Dimes, consumption of large amounts of PCBs by pregnant women is linked to decreased attention, memory, and IQ in their babies. Check with your local Health Department to determine which fish in your area are safe to eat. Exercise Caution: According to the March of Dimes, deli meats have led to outbreaks of a form of food poisoning called Listeriosis, that is particularly harmful to fetuses. While the risk is low, you may want to thoroughly reheat deli meats to an internal temperature of 165 degrees (including hot dogs) or avoid them altogether. Minimize the amount of liver you eat. According to the March of Dimes, animal liver contains very high levels of vitamin A. While vitamin A is good for you, women who consume too much may risk a higher incidence of birth defects in their babies (however, studies are not conclusive). Since you’re probably already taking prenatal vitamins and eating other vitamin A-containing foods, it’s better to be safe and not consume liver on a regular basis. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recommended has that pregnant woman maintain their vitamin A intake around 8,000 IU and that vitamin A be taken in the form of beta-carotene, which is not considered toxic. According to the FDA, consumption of artificial sweeteners is safe for the general public. No studies show conclusively that it’s harmful to consume artificial sweeteners during pregnancy. However, this is a personal decision, and for your peace of mind–and just to be on the safe side–you might decide to limit your consumption of artificial sweeteners during pregnancy. Instead, substitute fruit juice with sparkling water when you need a light, refreshing drink. According to a 1999 U.S. Health and Human Services press release, raw sprouts have led to some incidents of salmonella outbreaks. They advise that pregnant women eat sprouts that are cooked, or avoid eating them altogether. Sources: Food and Drug Administration, Clemson University Agricultural Extension, March of Dimes
What things should I avoid while pregnant?
Q: I am 18 years old and this is my first pregnancy. I took two hpts and both came back positive, now I am going to schedule an appointment to get bloodwork done. But I was just wondering what type of stuff I should avoid during pregnancy. Any information would be most appreciated. =]
A: – soft and blue-veined cheese, such as Camembert, Brie and Stilton. (There is no risk of listeria associated with hard cheese such as cheddar, cottage cheese or processed cheese),- pâté (any type, including vegetable),- certain prepared salads such as potato salad and coleslaw, andready-prepared meals or re-heated food, unless they are piping hot all the way through.- Avoid food containing raw or partially cooked eggs, such as homemade mayonnaise, and some mousses and sauces. You should only eat eggs if they are cooked until both the white and the yolk are solid.- Avoid unpasteurised dairy products.- Cook all meat and poultry thoroughly, and take particular care with products made from minced meat, such as sausages and burgers. – Make sure these are cooked until they are piping hot all the way through and no pink meat is left.- Take particular care with meat at barbeques, parties and buffets. – Bacteria breed quickly on food that is left uncovered in a warm environment.- Make sure that raw meat does not come into contact with other food (for example in the fridge), particularly food that is already cooked or that will be eaten raw.- Always wash your hands after handling raw meat.- unwashed raw fruit and vegetables,- raw or undercooked meat, and- unpasteurised goats’ milk or goats’ cheese.Waterskiing, horseriding, snowboarding, downhill skiing or surfing may be your favourite sports but put them all on hold while you’re pregnant. For now, you should avoid any activity that puts you at risk of falling. That includes activities like tennis or cycling if you’re not used to them, as your sense of balance may be altered. Vigorous jogging that puts pressure on your joints or back should also be avoided. Scuba diving and other ‘pressurised’ sports are out since air bubbles can form in your blood stream as you surface. These bubbles are very dangerous for both you and your growing baby. Cross waterslides and most amusement park rides are off your list too, as a forceful landing or sudden acceleration or deceleration could harm your baby. Some studies show that raising your temperature during early pregnancy can increase the risk of birth defects so you should avoid saunas and Jacuzzis, as well. Also avoid exercising in the heat and if you were a couch potato before you got pregnant, don’t suddenly take up strenuous exercise now. After week 16, avoid exercise that involves lying flat on your back with raised legs, such as sit-ups, as the weight of your uterus may press on major blood vessels.
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