Where can you get fertility drugs to help you get pregnant besides a doctor

Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “Where can you get fertility drugs to help you get pregnant besides a doctor”,you can compare them.

None of the general health remedies you might see in your local health food store are going to have any real impact on your fertility. Other than take fertility drugs or get infertility treatment from a doctor, is reduce your overall stress level. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/where-can-you-get-fertility-drugs-to-help-you-get-pregnant-besides-a-doctor ]
More Answers to “Where can you get fertility drugs to help you get pregnant besides a doctor
Where can you get fertility drugs to help you get pregnant beside…?
None of the general health remedies you might see in your local health food store are going to have any real impact on your fertility. Other than take fertility drugs or get infertility treatment from a doctor, is reduce your overall stress…
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