Why do pregnant women crave ice

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Not all pregnant women do. Some women crave other, much weirder things. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-pregnant-women-crave-ice ]
More Answers to “Why do pregnant women crave ice
Why do pregnant women crave pickles and ice cream?
Pregnancy causes woman to become fickle. Women have cravings at various stages of their menstrual cycle due to hormones, the same thing happens during pregnancy
Why do us pregnant women crave ice?
Eating Ice is a sign of low iron. A lot women become anemic during pregnancy. If your feeling sluggish and tired you should mention this to your doctor.
Do you know why pregnant women crave for pickles and ice cream??
Pregnant women are famous for their midnight yearnings for pickles and ice cream. And the desire for chocolates is the stuff of legend. It’s tempting to believe –as many people do –that cravings are the body’s way of telling us that we are …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

why do us pregnant women crave ice?
Q: I’m always asking for extra ice when I order my drinks so I can eat it, and have a bag of ice and ice trays filled so is there a reason why we crave ice???
A: Eating Ice is a sign of low iron. A lot women become anemic during pregnancy. If your feeling sluggish and tired you should mention this to your doctor.
Why do some women crave ice.?
Q: in pregnancy? I have been chomping it non stop for about 2 weeks now. I drink LOTS of water also so I know I am not dehydrated. I am 26 weeks if that makes a difference. I’ve been craving it this pregnancy, my sister in law craved Sonic ice chips in her pregnancy and I’ve read several other women on here crave(d) it.So does anyone have any idea why some pregnant women always seem to eat ice?Last time my blood was checked, my iron was great. But I will have my dr. check again just in case.
A: But if the question is in regards to pregnant women not in labor eating ice just because they want to, then I would suggest getting a blood test to check for anemia. A former coworker was told by her doctor that her craving of ice chips was actually a symptom of anemia (she wasn’t pregnant at the time). This woman was cold-natured anyway, and if she had had her way, the building would have been kept at 80 degrees at least, all the time. When she was at her worst with eating ice, she would sit at her desk, huddled under a blanket with a space heater by her feet, freezing away… while eating ice! I’d never heard of an ice craving indicating anemia before, but the doc indicated that it was fairly common.So, if you’re pregnant and craving ice, you may be anemic. Anemia is fairly common in pregnancy — the woman’s blood volume increases quite a bit during the nine months, and if she doesn’t have enough iron, then the extra blood dilutes the iron she has, which manifests as anemia. One problem is, that vitamins or other pills containing iron may cause constipation, which tends to plague pregnant women anyway. Another problem is that iron pills may cause nausea. If you can get iron in a liquid form, or slow-release, or in pills containing a little bit at a time, these may help. Of course, you can always try to eat foods with a lot of iron in them, which I tend to prefer in theory; but if your iron is really low, you may need to “kick-start” with supplements.I ate ice like it was no longer going to be available. Turns out my iron level was very low, so I can attest to that.
why do people say that pregnant women crave?
Q: pickles and ice cream is it because of the sweet and sour complex or something?or just that it would be strange and nasty..i mean do you really think they really eat it…wait i just thought of something else…if they eat it, do you think they eat it together like dipping your pickle in ice cream. or do they just mean that those two seperate things are common things pregnant women crave…
A: Those are common cravings, the salty/sour and sweet. I think they are usually craved separately…I never craved either though. My cravings were cereal, chocolate milk and french fries (separately, not together).
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