Are there people who can move objects With their mind

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “Are there people who can move objects With their mind”,you can compare them.

There are people who can manipulate temperatures. Some can move objects. Some can affect the magnetic fields.The theory (more?) [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Are there people who can move objects With their mind
How do people move objects with their mind?
They don’t. It is not possible and among other things against the laws of physics. However, there are people who think so little of themselves that they feel they have to believe that such nonsense is true AND that they somehow “have t…
Why do people get scared when i move objects with the power of th…?
Being a fellow magician and mentalist, here’s my answer: I have gotten many questions from really stupid laymen if I practice black magic, or if it is somehow related to satan, even with simple card effects. Depending on your presentation s…
Are there people who can really use their mind to move object??
I’ve heard about it but I can’t think of anything that could really do that. You have to remember that the brain is used to think, not move objects. You could move an object with your mind by telling someone to move something. Otherwise it’…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Are there really people who can move objects with their mind?
A: Daaa Didnt you watch x-men
Are there people who can really use their mind to move object?
Q: Is it fiction or real ? It sound amazing… I dont believe in miracles so is there scientific explanaitons 🙂 10x folks 😉
A: I’ve heard about it but I can’t think of anything that could really do that. You have to remember that the brain is used to think, not move objects. You could move an object with your mind by telling someone to move something. Otherwise it’s impossible.
what are people called who move objects with their mind?
A: Telekenetics? Telekanesis? Something like that.
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