Can you hallucinate smells

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Yes, hallucinations can involve sight, sound, scent, and touch. Scent hallucinations are called olfactory hallucinations. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you hallucinate smells
Can you hallucinate smells?
Yes this is possible, you could be having memories that are associated with smell. One smell triggers other smells, for example I spent a lot of time in the Hospital when I was a kid, every time I smell Rubbing Alcohol, I can smell Latex …
Is it possible to hallucinate smells and tastes that don’t actual…?
NO to tasting, but YES to smelling! My current apartment contains a ghost that I nicknamed “Perfume” because she used to occasionally flood the place with the scent of it. Now she has moved on to other tricks – like waking my boyf…
What can cause olfactory (smell-based) hallucinations??
Its technically called ‘phantosmia’. Most common cause or known issue that is related to phantosmia would be epilepsy. Mostt commonly temporal lobe seizures. There are many forms and a wide range of symptomatology to epilepsy. Although the …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it possible to hallucinate smells and tastes that don’t actually exist?
Q: I usually only see, hear, and feel things that aren’t really there, so have you ever tasted or smelled something that wasn’t there? Is it possible? What kinds of smells or tastes?northern lights dancer – but if they’re hallucinations then by definition they can’t exist… otherwise then they’re real and its not a hallucination at all, right?
A: NO to tasting, butYES to smelling!My current apartment contains a ghost that I nicknamed “Perfume” because she used to occasionally flood the place with the scent of it.Now she has moved on to other tricks – like waking my boyfriend up by tapping him on the shoulder if he goes back to sleep after I’ve gone to work in the mornings.ALSO,My paternal grandmother used to complain about smelling second-hand cigar smoke after her husband (a cigar smoker, of course) died. Not having any inklings about spiritual matters, she just complained of it as being a nuissance. My mother, though, who was more familiar with spiritual concepts, knew what was happening and told me that Grandpa was coming back to visit Grandma, but she just wasn’t aware of it.However, “wasn’t there” and “halucinating” sort of describe what I feel to be a misleading concept. According to my own beliefs, what we think “isn’t there” really IS “there”, but in a different bandwidth or frequency range from the one we live in. They all DO exist, but in an energy range beyond our perceptive spectrum.So it is not HALUCINATING, but rather, “crossing signals” with another frequency range. Of course, it is highly possible that this is what most of the experiences we call “halucinating” really ARE – perceiving something in a usually imperceptable section of the energy spectrum.
what is that african plant that is an incense and smells good but you hallucinate called?
Q: what is it called, im thinking its illegal.because when you smoke it it halluciontaes..its starts with an S.helpp
A: Salvia divornum, but it’s from Central America, go to EROWID. com for all the right info. RScott
Can you hallucinate smells?
Q: Sometimes I smell things, really strongly, and I ask around and no one else smells these things. It’s always something totally random too and it never seems to be the same thing that I smell that no one else smells. It’s always with different people too. Sometimes there’s a lot of people. Sometimes it’s just one other person. I think I’m hallucinating smells, but that doesn’t really seem to make sense to me. It’s been happening for a while now and I’m starting to get nervous about it. Has anyone ever heard of this before? Oh, and I don’t do any drugs or drink or any of that.
A: Yes this is possible, you could be having memories that are associated with smell. One smell triggers other smells, for example I spent a lot of time in the Hospital when I was a kid, every time I smell Rubbing Alcohol, I can smell Latex at the same time. It’s just the alcohol triggering the memories of the hospitals stays. It could be that you are smelling something common that is triggering other memories. It doesn’t have to be bad memories it can be good ones too, like when I smell cotton candy I can smell funnel cake too, memories of the fairs and amusement parks. Honestly you could have suppressed memories that are working their way out, if you are very concerned, consider speaking with a counselor or just a trusted friend.
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