Do you have bad dreams when their sleeping in cold air

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There is no connection between cold air and nightmares. Don’t believe everything you see in Mountain Dew commercials! ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do you have bad dreams when their sleeping in cold air
Does sleeping in the cold make you have bad dreams??
no, if you want to have dreams and/or nightmears you huddle youself in a corner and think about scary thoughts but that only works on phycothyipedic and anti social people

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Is there a spirit in my room? Good or Bad?
Q: Hello, I have lived in the same house for years. For the past 6 months I have noticed a spirit in my room. Only because it always feels cold around me and it feels like cold air in on the right side of my face and arm. I also started having evil dreams where evil keeps trying to come with me. One time I felt a touch on my foot. Another time my bed was vibrating ( but I think it tried to wake me up to help my brother) he was sick and had food poisoning and after I got up I heard him run to the toilet to puke. Sometimes it makes noises to get my attention. I told it many times to go in the light. I don’t know if this is the devil or if this spirit is in my room because its trying to protect me from evil stuff. WHAT DO I DO? I don’t know anyone who has died since I was 10 or so. How did this spirit find me? I lived in the same house for years. Just all of a sudden this ghost comes in my room. One time when I was falling asleep I felt it blow on my cheek. HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEE pleaseeee. There is a chain on my closet door with a lock (siblings always search my room) One time when my sister was walking past my room she was running loudly and all of a sudden my chains made a huge noise while I was sleeping. Maybe the sound of her footsteps scared the spirit. No one was in my room and my door was locked. HelpI never really believed in ghost and stuff until now. I believe in God and ask him to protect me in my dreams and in my dreams when i pray someone is protecting me and gets me out of trouble when I have the evil dreams. One time I was trying to help this guy and he lead me to this evil guy who said Let your evil side come out. Then I noticed this white beam of light that I assumed was an angel. I kept fighting these two evil guys and told them how dare they try to hurt me when I followed the guy to help him. However they just watched me. Than this scene of this girl popped up and said being good is better. Than this angel that looked like it was from the reissance times flew t hrough the air and said that’s right and said my name. Than dropped a scroll. I ran to the scroll but then my dream swtiched. How do you respond to peoples answers? I just signed up 30 minutes ago just to post this question. I still can’t tell if this spirit in my room protects me or is evil? Sorry 4 bad grammaralso, no one ever lived in my house before. It was built brand new and I have been living in it for twenty something years. I still can’t figure out how to respond to peoples answers. At first I thought it was an angel and sometimes would talk to it but when i realized it wasn’t an angel ( they should not be cold) I stopped talking. It doesn’t do anything besides makes weird noises. One time when I thought it wasn’t there I was praying to my angel ( out loud ) and my water bottle fell off my table. There was no way my water bottle could of just fell by itself.
A: Dear Tasha:I would definitely recommend you contact TAPS, The Atlantic Paranormal Society. Since you have done nothing like seances, Ouija board, etc…The Spirit is probably someone who lived in the home before you. Google, “TAPS” and they will be able to get you in touch with a group in your area who is able to do research in your home. You should let your mom and dad know you have contacted a Paranormal Research Group to investigate what is going on in your room. Then take the next step to what you need to do, which is go to church on Sunday’s and say prayers for the individual.If you are Catholic, you might want to sit down and consult your Priest regarding what is happening in your room.
Brilliant! Good, or Bad?
Q: Sleep my love, the coming day is long. Rest is needed for you now, rest and sing my song. Come sweet love, come to stay, come rest softly; drift away. Feel your spirit fly. Ride the wind of a winter’s day. The mist, the cold, the air so pure. We soar, we dive, your heart’s my lure. Dreams of me drift, hearts awaken, night clouds shift, our souls are taken. The storm it sweeps us along. I cry to hear your phantom’s song. The night to short to hold our love; it flays into the vastness above. No stronger word, then love. Nay, there is but one; with more feeling and loathing then the rising sun. Hate, does not become us my dear, my gentle, my lovely one. Our love will last through hate and hell; through misery, pain, through all that befell. My passion burns, like fire.Come my angel, our time is dire. I can not leave you, this night alone; with only dreams, to drift and roam. Love, a lasting peace. Free my beloved, for our hearts to feast. Come with me now, and don’t look away. I have you now; hear with me, to stay.
A: some of the lines are pretty good.. over all, i give it a B-.
What’s your opinion of this?
Q: Okay i know its really long and I’ve posted it before but i really need constructive criticism.My stomach lurched as I saw a boy my age making his way over to where I stood. He was smiling and I could see very pointy teeth on either side of his front ones. I could tell he was different to any other mythical creature I had ever met from his glowing orange eyes. They were locked on my frozen face. He came so close I could almost smell him. He leaned down and hesitated a few inches from my face. I knew what he would do next so I readied myself for it but before he could come any closer his face contorted and became the face of a dog in front of me. I screamed. I sat upright and hit my head on the slanting roof of my bedroom. Holding back tears I jumped out of my bed and headed in the direction of my bedroom door. I didn’t bother changing I just ran to the back door pulled it open and crept to the back gate. It was hanging from the hinges and rotting in the most obvious places but I just shoved it aside and walked into the forest on the other side. Ignoring the creepy shadows I stomped through the undergrowth. When I stepped out of the forest it was pitch black in the little clearing and so instead of tripping over things that were hidden in the long grass I plonked myself down and lay back to stare at the moon. I always came here when I had dreams like that. The cold night air cleared my head and made it easier to think over the dream I just had. I was having dreams like that lately. I didn’t know what it meant or who the boy in it was. I deliberated getting up and going back into my warm bed but decided against it. If I closed my eyes now the horrible dreams would come back. I always new something bad would come. What with me being half vampire half werewolf it’s not the best thing in the world. My ‘special’ power isn’t so great either. Actually it’s bloody annoying. Every time I go to sleep I see something in my dreams that might happen in the future but I never no whose future it is unless I’m focusing on that person or object. It’s quite a lot to dump on a thirteen year old especially if she’s the only one of her kind. Sometimes I wish my parents didn’t fall in love or at least didn’t have me. When I look around at my friends and classmates I can see how different I am. I was once described as a beautiful angel that had mistaken earth for heaven. With dark brown hair flowing down my back and golden brown eyes like honey. I scoffed at the memory then sat up. Suddenly I knew I wasn’t alone. My nostrils flared, I jumped up tensed and ready. “It’s all right its just us” Will’s voice filled my head and informed me there was no danger. I relaxed automatically as my brothers stepped into the meadow. They stared at me and I stared back. “What did you see, Cali-Jae?” Braeden said. “I don’t know. It was a boy about my age with glowing orange eyes. He walked straight up to me and then he became a dog. Then I woke up” I explained “Anything else” My sister Selena demanded bursting through the trees. “No that’s it,” I snapped.My parents, Lilliana and Edward, were suddenly behind me with my little sister Demi. My whole family knew that this was my thinking spot. I’d already told them about my dreams and Edward seemed to think that it meant new people were coming. “Careful Cali remember what happened last time,” Lilliana cautioned me. Of course I remembered what happened. Selena annoyed me so bad I changed into a werewolf and just about ripped her head off. I smiled and bent into a crouch. I started to growl. Selena took three measured steps back a ferocious growl ripping out from her throat. I could feel my figure blurring and so I crouched right low to the ground ready to leap when I phased. I don’t know where they came from but suddenly my brothers were gripping my arms and pulling me away from Selena. “Alright stop it” Lilliana yelled. “You two need to learn how to get along,” Edward cried.A thought went through my mind at the exact second I phased. Keep in control or the ones you love will get hurt.
A: Good gosh it sounds like that stupid books called twilight i mean EDWARD??? find a new hobby. Vampires, werewolfs whatever he is mythical creatures all suck and this book sucks more!
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