How can I control the content of my dreams

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In order to control your dreams, you must first realize that you are dreaming. When you realize that you are indeed in a (MORE?) [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can I control the content of my dreams
Can people control the content of their dreams??
Some control of dream content is possible by making suggestions to subjects in the pre-sleep period and then analyzing the content of the dreams that followed. Most times it is very difficult to control the content of your dreams unless you…
How could people has dream? How can we control the “content”…?
If you want to control your dreams, it’s not easy, first in that dream you must realize that it IS a dream and thereby recognise that since it is an illusionary world it doesn’t have to follow and regular rules like physics for example, Fly…
How does one dream lucidly? Control dream content?
Budhists have been doing it for many years. If you practice meditation then you can learn to control your thoughts, which is basicly what lucid dreaming is. I think modern Western scholars say it is similar technique to self hypnosis. If yo…

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How could people has dream? How can we control the “content” of our dreams?
Q: I just curious about dream. Well, if we can have control over it, we really can “create” our small fantasy world. =) But back to the topic… how can we have dream? What’s the process? Can we get control over it?
A: If you want to control your dreams, it’s not easy, first in that dream you must realize that it IS a dream and thereby recognise that since it is an illusionary world it doesn’t have to follow and regular rules like physics for example, Fly, pull weapons out of nowhere, burst into flames for no apparent reason if you like…It is an intense experience and only roughly 1 out of every 186 million people have enough will and depth of mind to be a ble to do it
How does one dream lucidly? Control dream content?
Q: You know about “lucid dreaming” which is where you control your own dreams and stuff like that. Well, I am wondering how it is done? Does anybody have any tips as how to dream lucidly.
A: Budhists have been doing it for many years. If you practice meditation then you can learn to control your thoughts, which is basicly what lucid dreaming is. I think modern Western scholars say it is similar technique to self hypnosis. If you have not tried meditating a common technique is to slowly breath in and out in a comfortable position with eyes closed. Think about the breadth, count up to 10 the number of breadths and start again. Relax your body, free it of stress and tension, especially around the stomach, this is where healthy breadth should be if you are not tense not the chest. Eventually you can remove thoughts from your mind this way with regular practice. Next step is to control your thougths after doing this process. good luck.
Can you control the content and direction of your dreams?
Q: A lot of things have been said about dreams. What I am interested in is if they can be controlled by the dreamer. When I ask this question, I mean it literally; as in, I am aware that an individual’s mentality and current situation(s) in life, amongst other things, can affect what dreams they have, but I want to know if you can ACTUALLY control your dreams. In other words, is it possible to create a dream during your sleep that goes entirely (ok, almost entirely) as you’d like it?If more clarification is needed, let me know and I will try my best to respond in kind. Thanks in advance to all logical answers.
A: dreams cannot be totally controlled by the dreamer, how ever somethings in your dreams can be manipulated, i used to have a re-occuring nightmare about dinosaurs when i was a kid, every night same dream for about a year, eventually i figured out that while i was in my dream if eye closed my eyes really tightly then opened them i would wake up! don’t know why or how : so you can think, reason, and rationalize in dreams but its the unconsious side of your brain that stops you from “controlling” if just your logical side was in control you would rationalize that its just a dream and you wouldnt think of it as real its the uncontrolable aspect of a dream that makes it seem so life like.. hope this helps. and a really awesome question btw.
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